Mooring cover or Covered lift?


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i got a question. If you live on the water and have a lift, what do use to cover your boat? The mooring cover or installed a cover on the lift (soft or hard top)? Plus and minus of both? In Wisconsin, most people have a lift and we just crank it up high to the lift canopy. Just getting info for when i get to make my big move to the sunny state.

I always put my mooring cover on even with the lift to keep the inside cleaner, especially with certain birds!

Just recently moved to Ultra Legs which has positives and minuses. Right now I like not having to install the lift, being able to move the pontoon if the lake water decreases, etc., However, I believe a lift with a canopy protects the pontoon more from sun and also helps the cover last longer. Plus a lift is nicer when you want to use it a few days in a row without having the headache of putting cover on each night.
If you go long without your mooring cover on, and with the boat simply tucked up under a lift canopy, you will eventually get bird and spider droppings on it. Thus, you typically have to do both. The lift canopy does cover a lot more of the boat from bad weather and the sun. In a pinch it is nice to just tuck the boat up under it and then put the mooring cover on later. However, having a canopy system adds some more side arm supports you have to be careful of when docking. Also, depending on water levels, you can have other issues with lifts.

We switched to Sea Legs last year and sold off our lift and canopy. Overall, I MUCH prefer the sea legs and just going with our mooring cover. Much easier and more flexible. I wouldn’t go back ever again. However, Pbakk did share a draw back with the extra layer of more comprehensive protection being gone.
I concur with the above observations...I use a canopy and always cover the pontoon with the mooring cover at the end of the day. A couple minutes of prevention can avoid a lot of scrubbing on the interior of your pride and joy.
I don’t have a lift cover, but I always use my mooring cover and an engine cover. A couple of things to consider down here in Florida. The sun still hits exposed areas as it rises and sets. Many people who don’t cover their engine have faded and sun damaged cowlings. Birds and bird droppings are an issue out here. I also would have a big problem with pollen and salt (I live on the intracoastal). Keeping the mooring cover on keeps the vinyl clean and looking new. I know some people have had issues with mildew if it’s moist under the mooring cover but I haven’t had that problem. I do scrub down the seats a few times a year with soap and water to keep any dirt and sunscreens that may have accumulated down. I also keep a fan running under the mooring cover to keep the air moving.
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Thanks for the feedback. I heard the Florida sun can be brutal and I imagine the mooring cover being weather beaten after only a few years of use. A lift cover would be nice but then hurricane's you remove the top and get the boat on a trailer in storage?
Thanks for the feedback. I heard the Florida sun can be brutal and I imagine the mooring cover being weather beaten after only a few years of use. A lift cover would be nice but then hurricane's you remove the top and get the boat on a trailer in storage?
Yes the sun is brutal, and the humidity can cause mildew. During a hurricane I take my boat to a marina to store on land on blocks. While on land it remains uncovered, Since the wind speeds can rip it apart.