IMG 0724

IMG 0724

I love that 200 hanging off the back. How did it run?
You must have seen the gallery pics while I was fighting the resolution battle to get the pics in the post.  I was very impressed!  I test drove an ESP with a 150 but never SPS or 200.  The ride, the turning capability, and the acceleration were all very smooth!  I liked being able to cruise at about 3000 rpm (getting about 18 mph) and not having so much noise that it's hard to talk.  I'm very pleased with the purchase! 
I also liked that the boat isn't too stern heavy.  Note how well the toons sit out of the water. 
I was checking that as well as our lift is in shallow water so I was curious as to draft. Looks to be about 14" with the keel. Dying to get the boat. Now you have me worried on the prop though.
Dealer never said exactly why he moved up to the 17.  Perhaps it will be self evident during the trial if the 15 exceeds the max rpm.  I wonder if there might also be a difference since you're getting the SDS prop and mine isn't (it has some slight chatter).  It's too early to worry! 
The f200 comes standard with the sds hub. Your dealer took it off. There are other forums where this has happened with other f200 owners with chatter and it turned out the dealer removed the sds hub. I would call the dealer.
OK, I'll ask him.  I thought it was a totally different prop to order.
I'm having cavitation problems with my f-200. What hole position is your motor mounted to? Mine is in hole number 2 and I'm having them lower it to number 1 (the top hole) so the motor is as low as it can go. I can't see in this pic.

Congratulations on the new boat!
I'll have to look.  I've been fortunate to have no cavitation issues, either with hard turns or with mistrimming.   
Wow!  That sits very level...

I wonder if my 150 is mounted too low, since it sits at least 6 inches lower at the stern that it looks from your photos...

I did have ventilation trouble with my other prop though... so even though my Express tube sits low in the water, the motor didn't seem high enough...  Maybe that explains why you are having trouble - Your boat sits so much higher.  Of course, could be different while underway.  I'm just comparing them at dock...  Do you have the long shaft motor?

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