I'm Back (Finally!)


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To say it's been a crazy year would be an understatement. The year started out normally enough. Even connected with Link and planned on him joining us for a St. Johns river cruise on our Benny. Then things started to get wacky. My back pain started to become unbearable and surgery became a fact no longer to be denied.

Then the Benny ended up noticeably listing to stern, and after pulling her out and the Dealer inspecting her, a leaky center toon was diagnosed. In typical Bennington fashion, the solution they offered up was to order and install a new center toon for our SPS system all at their expense. This was in February. My back surgery took place on March 29, and my recovery was a challenge to say the least. It took a long time for the replacement center toon to arrive. The problem was not the toon itself, but rather the transporting it to Florida. Bennington ships them via a special truck/trailer, and they needed to get a load of 5 toons to make rolling the trailer worthwhile. To make a long story short, it was Memorial Day weekend before the boat was back in the water. While that seems like a long time, with my back issue, it would have been difficult to do any boating anyways. The Dealer stepped up big time, and did a complete detail of the whole boat since it had sat at his place so long. Bennington returned the boat to its original condition, even applying Sharkhide to the new center toon before shipping it out! Thanks to both of them! I wholeheartedly recommend our dealer, Gerry's Marina, in New Smyrna Beach, Florida! And as for Bennington, well, their dedication to service is lengendary!

We had a vacation planned for June. We flew to Albuquerque on June 17, rented a car and drove 5,600 miles visiting National Parks and interesting places, in a South Western swing through the US. Flew back to Florida on July 17. It was a fantastic trip, but after all that time I was missing (in no particular order) my bicycles, motorcycles, Benny, and our own bed. There is no place like home! Unfortunately we did not get to stay there for long since my wife's brother had gone into hospice in Maine as a result of cancer. So off we went after just five short days home. This trip was three more weeks. Shortly after our return, my wife ended up flying back up for his wake and funeral. We did manage a couple of boat outings in between these trips, but not nearly enough to satisfy all that pent-up desire to catch up with the toys.

Throw in a trip to Charleston to babysit the grandkids, and spend a weekend in Darlington at the Southern 500 NASCAR race. This trip ended just in time for us to return home to batten down the hatches for Hurricane Irma. While our damages here were not bad, there was a lot of prep, clean up, etc. We just got power back last night, after being on our generator for a week. Did I mention how hot it gets in Florida without any AC? Oh well, we survived that as well.

Currently our Benny is still on the St John's river. The dock she is floating next to , or more accurately, on top of now is at least two feet under water. The entire river is above flood stage and hasn't crested quite yet. Due to the high water, pretty much anywhere you would be boating is now in "Idle zones" to keep from flooding folks' homes even more than already with high boat wakes. Besides that, we can't get on our boat since the Marina is closed and partially under water.

So, since we have finally finished up clean-up and restoration of our home, power is back along with internet and all of the other things we take for granted these days, I finally have the ability to visit this forum again. My gosh, even the format and layout have changed, so I can tell I've been gone from here too long. By the way, I do like the new format! Speaking of long, I had no intention of writing a novel, but it appears that I did write a lot. Anyways, it's on topic, since it started and ended with Benny and boating stuff. I am glad to be back to catch up. I see that some have new boats, there are members I never saw posts of before, and some have had to sell their boats (Derrick, I'm glad you'll continue to lurk around). And Link, maybe we can catch up on the boat ride on the St. Johns once you resume your "snow bird" status.

Oh, one last thing. With Photobucket charging what they now do, I refuse to be held hostage by them, so until I set up a new photo site, probable Post Image, there will be no pics. Sorry, but I know some will ask, and yes, it really all did happen, even with no pictorial proof! It's good to be back!
What a year. Glad to have you back.
Thanks, certainly wasn't boring!
Welcome back!!
Welcome back - glad you are doing better. Having had back problems for many years, although no surgery, I can relate.
WOW! Quick recovery from back surgery. Mine was 6 months. Sounds like a great year. Condolences to your wife.
Thanks for all the welcomes and well wishes. Glad to be around again!
Wow! Tired just reading that story! That's a lot in a short time!

2 things........Did Bennington figure out what caused the leak?!?

As far as pics are concerned.......Just download the pics to the Gallery then attach them to your posts.

Welcome back!
Wow! Tired just reading that story! That's a lot in a short time!

2 things........Did Bennington figure out what caused the leak?!?

As far as pics are concerned.......Just download the pics to the Gallery then attach them to your posts.

Welcome back!

The leak was behind the port side lifting strake on the center toon. I think that's why they decided to replace rather than fix. Without removing the lifting strake it was not evident if it was a crack, or bad weld.
I uploaded pic to the gallery. Can't seem to get it into the post. Sorry
Actually you can now just click on........Upload a File and whatever device you are using (IPad, phone, etc.) it will go directly to your Photo stream or Take a photo and upload whatever pics you want us to see directly to your post. It wil ask you whether you want a Thumbnail or Full Image. Here's a full image.....image.jpeg
Thanks Daril
IMG_6348.JPG IMG_6358.JPG So, here are two pics of the marina where our Benny is docked. It shows the flooding of the river. The fuel dock is under water, and the boat house is submerged so much that our boat (2nd one in, with Yammy motor cover) is close to the roof. River is forecast to start going down this weekend (so we hope).
Hi Tooner, I am also just getting back. We had family medical issues which forced an early return to FL, I arrived the Wednesday before the hurricane and had mandatory evacuation from Merritt Island that Friday. We rented a villa in Kissimmee but as you know the hurricane came up the west coast and our villa was flooded. Returned home Tuesday after the hurricane but had no power or water and many homes in our community suffered losses not from the hurricane but from tornados. Haven't been to beach or pool yet and just went out to happy hour for the first time since arriving in Florida. Glad to be back both in Florida and on the forum again as well
Glad all is well Mark! Any damage to your home?!?
Welcome back Link. Hopefully things slow down for you and you can enjoy that easy FL living.
Mark, I was thinking of you when mandatory evacuation of Merritt Island was announced. I figured you were safe and sound north of here. I hope you get everything put back together without too much trouble. We will have to plan to get together. The best Florida weather is just around the corner.
Glad yall made it through the storm well with minimal damages! I can't wait for the river level to get back to normal I love crusing up to the silver glen!