benny At dock with lights On

benny At dock with lights On

Lights look great!  We have similar lighting so I'm wondering if your Benny also came with the sticker "USE OF SIDELIGHT STRIPS IS NOT PERMITTED BETWEEN SUNDOWN AND SUN UP".  When else would you want to use them?  This doesn't make sense to me.
Good Stuff said:
Lights look great!  We have similar lighting so I'm wondering if your Benny also came with the sticker "USE OF SIDELIGHT STRIPS IS NOT PERMITTED BETWEEN SUNDOWN AND SUN UP".  When else would you want to use them?  This doesn't make sense to me.
Good Stuff

Sorry was in Gettysburg for a few days.  No, my 2011 I think was the 1st year with the side lights. I have no warnings or stickers that say when and when I should not use the lights.  They came in 2012 and newer model years.

I agree, it defets the purpose in my opinion


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