Yes we have changed out the distributor cap it’s a Quicksilver I believe it’s blue. Along with the plug wires they are new as well. But we can test them. I had also been told to try replacing the ignition Module under the distributor.
Mechanic seems to think that hooking up the lap top and...
Hey, I have posted about this on previous threads but wanted to update with more info. I have a 2575 QCW with a Merc 350 v8
We have had a rough idle for sometime that is an intermittent problem. We’ve done all the normal things like fuel, injector cleaner and tuneup, spark plugs, and even...
Boat is - 2575 QCW with Mer cruiser 350 with Bravo 3 with like 2200 Hrs on the boat.
We now that our boating season is well over here in Ca it’s time to do some deferred maintenance. My boat has had a slight misfire while under idle for quite some time now we’ve been chasing it for what seems...
I have a 2012 V/M trailer. The front Axel is bad. The torsion bar suspension has gave way and from what I understand there is NO repair only replacement. So I got a $500 new replacement Axel from V/M
Just wondering if anyone had any Tips for sealing this one out.
BTW I’m no expert on galvanic corrosion but I think it is something that’s more common that comes from the boat itself.
Example a bad ground or electrical component on the boat itself that “when running” or a Battery charger is working can cause power to do funky things to your toons.
Have you tried putting a Volt meter in the water? My first thought was Galvanic Corrosion. Turn your boat on. Check for current on your toons with a volt meter. Possible bad ground ????
This inside will be lined with Velcro. And then these will be drilled and RivNutted to the Bimini Frame. In this location. . I’m also gonna get rid of the Blue sponge handles for Black this way it will blend in more
I decided to make up some J style mounts for the Gaff. I figured if I could match the contour of the gaff, the Velcro would have a much larger surface to grip onto making the mounts smaller.. I figured this way you could sorta Roll the Gaff off the velcro mounts
BigK. Thats a Great location but I have the rear Galley Right behind the drivers seat. I have No clear (straight space) anywhere on the floor. So I gotta go UP to the Bimini. The more I have been thinking of it the more I’m happy with going the direction I’m gonna go. I think I’m gonna make 2...
I was thinking of Making some Custom mounts that go on the Bimini, That would be Magnetic or velcrow. And then I could glue some Metal or velcrow to the aluminum gaff. This way I could simply gab and go.
This RailBLAZA has some cool mounts. My problem is that my Square Bimini frames sit at all weird angles. So if I used a mount like this they would be at all different angles
Everyone should have a Gaff / Extending pole. And in my opinion it’s gotta be very easy to get to. I have one in my center toon storage which is a total failure. Example yesterday a towel fell off the boat and into the water and by the time I opened the center toon storage and moved everything...
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