Recent content by Oregonizm

  1. Oregonizm

    Boat camping

    Wow bcpnick, your pics give me the "iwannas".  Powell has been on our bucketlist for a long time and these pics are helping to move it to the top.  We live in Oregon but have the rig for the long haul.  We also are river runners so have the tents stoves and toilet system as well as...
  2. Oregonizm

    Which Buoy, Fender, Bumper to get?

    See my earlier post for my fav:
  3. Oregonizm

    Greetings from Central Oregon...

    Welcome Mike and Hillary ... we are Central Oregonians too, LaPine to be specific. Just spent the last couple days up in your neck of Lake Billy Chinook and had a wonderful time. We met Mike and Phyllis from Battleground near the Fly Creek Marina in their semi-new Benny and will be looking...
  4. Oregonizm

    Fenders for pontoons

    I tried these and didn't really care for them. they just didn't reliably stay where I put them. See my post "Best Pontoon Fender Ever" or look at the pics in my gallery .... I am sold on this system.
  5. Oregonizm

    Big wave on front deck.

    Yup, been there, done that and don't want to do it again. I had a couple people up front when we took a wake at the same time I let off the throttle. It took days to get the water out from under the seats, the raised helm, the center toon storage and the carpets dried out.
  6. Oregonizm

    Tube welds

    See if you can locate "Hosedragger" on this forum. He's in Portland, OR and has had a couple bouts with this problem.
  7. Oregonizm

    Best pontoon fender ever!!

    tecthis .... see the pictures in my gallery. The fenders you sent the link to are just ordinary pain-in-the-ass-cause-they-never-stay-where-put-em fenders. The beauty of the "Best pontoon fender ever" is that they don't ride up or move around, they just sit there and protect your toons, rub...
  8. Oregonizm

    Scratch on Pontoon

    Mine came with a scratch that sounds exactly like yours. I hated it but didn't make an issue about it mainly because I had traveled 130 miles to pick up my new boat and I didn't want to leave without it. But ..... I have been kicking myself in the ass ever since. I have since put other...
  9. Oregonizm

    Best pontoon fender ever!!

    Cwag911 .... great buy, I paid around $80 for just one
  10. Oregonizm

    Best pontoon fender ever!!

    Big Kahuna .... I don't have one on the paddleboard side but that's a great idea if it will work with the rack I had made .... gonna have to look into that.
  11. Oregonizm

    Best pontoon fender ever!!

    I used them at Shasta Lake over Memorial Day and it worked great with the boat we were rafted up with as well as the slip we moored in. I know what you mean about a sweet spot and it seems to move around depending upon what conditions you encounter so I'm not throwing away the straps to hang...
  12. Oregonizm

    Best pontoon fender ever!!

    I just bought these Dockmate fenders from Overton's and they work really well when you raft up with other boats out on the lake. They come in three sizes and I got the largest one, it's about 8' long and 2' high. It comes with grommets so you can hang it with straps from your fence but I...
  13. IMG 4299

    IMG 4299

  14. I installed snaps for quick and easy attachment

    I installed snaps for quick and easy attachment

  15. Dockmate fender

    Dockmate fender
