
  1. M

    New Benni Owner-- Winterization Question

    I have 2014 22 slx with an Evinrude Etec Pontoon series 90 HP engine and i am looking for advice on the proper winterization process. (i can't believe how hard it is to find the "proper" process for winterization.) The boat is kept in the water throughout the summer in a salt water bay, in DE...
  2. Pittsburgh

    Winterizing Advice .... A Little Late For Me

    Winterizing: TLC for Your Boat A sure sign of autumn for my family is pulling the boat from the lake and putting it under wraps behind the cabin for the winter. Actually, the annual fall ritual is a bit more complicated than that, but it can be accomplished in a short autumn afternoon and the...
  3. MCSD12

    I know the season isnt over but

    I know the boating season is not over yet but I wanted to ask everyone what they do to winterize their Benningtons. I have an I/O, so I know the engine block needs to be filled with anti- freeze and the cylinders fogged. Add sta-bil to the fuel. but what do you do with the boat? Can it stay in...