Anyone remove bench seat and add second capt seat?


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Anyone remove bench seat across from capt seat and add another captain seat? Found great used boat but want second capt seat. Thanks
I have not ,but it should not be a problem unless there is a wave shield. You would most likely have to install new flooring as well
According my wife our second seat modification is the best modification made to our boat. When you drill thru the floor make sure you do not hit a cross member. If the pedestal base is close to a cross member than locate it exactly by drilling from below a tiny reference hole right next to the cross member. Buy the matching ottoman/cooler. This will make it the best seat in the house. Worth every penny. Take your vin number to your dealer for a perfect color match.
One more thing. Wave shields come off and on easy. No new flooring required because the old seat mounting holes are tiny.
Is the Boat still under Warranty? Might want to have a Dealer do your project.
That's a used boat the op is asking about . Depending on age there could be fading on the furniture and flooring .
One more thing. Wave shields come off and on easy. No new flooring required because the old seat mounting holes are tiny.
Easy, maybe?

I spent hours fighting maybe 20 rivets to get some of my waveshield off. Those stainless steel ones make mince meat of regular drill bits so you have to get the carbide tipped ones, and it's still not a quick task. I budgeted 2 hours to upgrade my horn and I didn't come anywhere close (for other reasons as well).

My dealer uses an air chisel for removal so he can just cut the heads off, then has a pneumatic riveter for re-assembly. With the proper tools yes it can be easy, but not everyone is going to have a shop full of those goodies. I sure didn't and needed a 6-pack during the job to keep sane. Cold PBR to the rescue once again!
Easy, I guess not. I stand corrected. Steel rivets are hard to drill out and a hand rivet gun will ruin your hand. Bennington’s are not the most serviceable for do it yourself.