Battery location


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I have 21ft Bennington Tritoon and the batteries are under the console and are accessed through a side door. The problem is that they are way at the back and I can hardly reach them. Does anyone else have this issue? I am thinking of moving them, not sure the best route here,

Welcome ! What year? Mine have always been under the rear seat on starboard side.
Its a 2010, 21ft. I bought it used so not sure if this is where they were initially
That’s a different than most I’ve heard of. Wonder if they were moved to that spot too, or their initially. Our two batteries are on the port side area of our Swingback seat in the back of the boat.
Its a 2010, 21ft. I bought it used so not sure if this is where they were initially
My first 2 were a 2009 and 2014 and both had the batteries located under rear seat. Look and see if there are battery trays under either rear seat.
Never heard of batteries ever being factory installed under the console! But, I'm a relative newbie here. I would absolutely move them to under the rear seat or somewhere in the aft portion so as to reclaim that valuable real estate under the helm and to provide greater access to your batteries.
I have one under each rear corner seat. I guess it distributes weight better but I'm not real happy with it but live with it. Starboard has power steering in flip up seat compartment right behind captain chair so only the center seat area storage is usable. On the port side the gas filter is under center seat so only front flip up seat is usable. I don't know if the dealer installs them like that or the factory did but they really didn't place them for optimal storage space usage.
I have one under each rear corner seat. I guess it distributes weight better but I'm not real happy with it but live with it. Starboard has power steering in flip up seat compartment right behind captain chair so only the center seat area storage is usable. On the port side the gas filter is under center seat so only front flip up seat is usable. I don't know if the dealer installs them like that or the factory did but they really didn't place them for optimal storage space usage.
I ordered an “L” seating arrangement and went back-and-forth with the factory and engineering. The batteries and fuel tank are located in the storage area behind the seat. All the rental boats I have been on this space is empty and is a nice big storage area. I tried to have engineering relocate the batteries but at the end of the day they would not. They said there’s not enough clearance under the benches and the cables weren’t long enough to move them. They also said they have to be a certain distance away from the speakers. Every different seating layout seems to have different battery locations. Some are located under the benches, the swing back is located under the seat. It just depends on your floor plan from what I have gathered. I would try reaching out to Bennington directly and see if they can give you the blueprint or plans for your specific model and year.
Mine has been like that for 5+ years now. It just seems to me there could be a better layout. It doesn't bother me anymore and I'm not going to invest the time and effort in moving them. It's a minor inconvenience I hardly think about compared to all the fun I have on the boat.
I ordered an “L” seating arrangement and went back-and-forth with the factory and engineering. The batteries and fuel tank are located in the storage area behind the seat. All the rental boats I have been on this space is empty and is a nice big storage area. I tried to have engineering relocate the batteries but at the end of the day they would not. They said there’s not enough clearance under the benches and the cables weren’t long enough to move them. They also said they have to be a certain distance away from the speakers. Every different seating layout seems to have different battery locations. Some are located under the benches, the swing back is located under the seat. It just depends on your floor plan from what I have gathered. I would try reaching out to Bennington directly and see if they can give you the blueprint or plans for your specific model and year.
My LX the batteries are under each of the rear benches.