CG question.

I was trying to find the cog by putting the boat at the 34% mark, when trying to squeeze the two cable together at the front and then the back, the front cables seemed very hard to squeeze together compared to the back ones. I then tried 40% and felt better but still felt cog was farther forward. At 44% I feel that I have it very close. I asked the boat lift installer to come and verify.
Thanks for update. Let us know final outcome.
The boat lift installer came, checked the cables and agreeded I had it very close at 44%. He now gets to move the lift forward since the back is hanging out.
How did he measure the cables? The hand squeeze or a cable tension device? Thanks for update. I’m getting lift installed in 2-3 weeks (delays on those too) and boat maybe February.
I love the input from all. However —-Flaws to the science experiment. 1. Don’t have research equipment, ie no trailer and no boat. Lift is coming before boat. 2. Bennington says to not lift boat with strap, so that is out. However if it was put on bunks and then lifted that would do it. Good idea but again no boat. 3. The level method on water is not the same as Cg. The water method will show the center of buoyancy. Imagine a hollow ball floating on water the ball will mostly be above the water and the center of buoyancy will be very close to perimeter of ball surface. The center of gravity of that same ball will be dead center of the ball. As for a pontoon, if we made the back half of the pontoons bigger than the front, the boat could float level. This would work because the bigger tubes in back would displace more water, but the back end would still be heavier (even heavier with more metal) and the Cg would still be aft of center despite the level float of boat. Make sense?
Sorry for any typos or for the bold but doing this on phone is tough. (For me)
Bennington told me that lifting the pontoon with straps was fine. This was also direct communication with Bennington. This was for my 2013 SLX, I have planned to do the same with my new boat when it arrives.
He did the same thing I was doing. Going back and forth with the same hand and trying to squeeze the cables together at the same height when the boat was just out of the water and the cables were long.
Thank you. Never thought to extend cables and do at same height, so you’ve been a big help.