Drain plug in Tritoon


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We bought a 2007 tritoon (still have not put it in the water yet) and yesterday i noticed the drain plug was missing. Upon closer inspection I found a plastic tube with a smaller drain plug that actually pulls about 6 inches out of the drain plug hole. Nothing in the owners manual about this but I'm sure someone on the forum can tell me what this is for. Thanks DJH
DJH, welcome to the Club!

Without knowing what model and what engine you have, this will be a shot in the dark!

If you have an I/O, you have most likely found the drain tube for changing the engine oil,but you also need to have the outer plug as well.

If you have an outboard engine, then i have absolutely no idea what you have found :D

Maybe a little more info, and some pictures?
Thanks for the Welcome. I should have joined 4 years ago when we got our first Bennington. I believe your guess is correct. Ours does have an I/O (2275 RL3 with 5.0 MPI mercrusier) and the outer cap fell off the cable that was attaching it to the subject tube. The tube appeared to have oil on it. I would post a photo to the forum but I am pretty sure this is an oil drain. Thanks, Dave
Glad to help, you'll find alot of that on here.

By the way, i'll delete the quoted post, when you want to reply without the quote, scroll down to the fast reply box and use that. ;)