Electric anchor winch


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Michigan Center, MI
Does anyone have one of these on their boat? I'm thinking about it. I have the large box anchor (heavy) and my boat is very heavy so the winch needs to be a good one. I was wondering if anyone out there has an opinion on which one to get.
Does anyone have one of these on their boat? I'm thinking about it. I have the large box anchor (heavy) and my boat is very heavy so the winch needs to be a good one. I was wondering if anyone out there has an opinion on which one to get.
I had one on my previous toon. Worked like a charm. I bought it from Bass Pro. It's made for pontoons. Comes with 100' of line and you can use a 25# - 35# anchor. You only need to run the proper size wire from battery to winch. I used 25# mushroom. Look for a winch that has free-wheel drop. You can also check other marine suppliers.
My boat came with a Dockmate 25 windlass on each end of the boat and they've come in very handy. Recently a spring failed in the front windlass so it wouldn't lift the anchor, so I had to lift the 30# anchor the full 100' of line--that's when you really know how good it is to have a windlass. The previous owner of my boat even had switches wired at the helm so I can operate the windlasses from the helm or by using the switch on the windlass housing--very nice!