Engine winterizing


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Michigan Center, MI
I have a 2005 2575RL I/O with a 5.7L Volvo Penta engine. On the starboard side of the engine is a long vertical tube with a garden hose threaded end and a cap that I was told was used for flushing/winterizing the engine. Am I able to winterize it by first placing a funnel in this tube, having water from my garden hose go into it, turn the engine on, and then after ensuring the engine temp is up (and thus the thermostat open) dump 2 gallon jugs of RV antifreeze in it and then just before the 2nd gallon has emptied and is down the funnel, turn the engine off and that sucker is winterized? This is exactly how I winterize the car engine in my ski boat (except that engine has a carburetor so I also fog that right at the end of the 2nd jug of antifreeze but the Bennington engine is fuel injected of course). I would GREATLY appreciate a quick response as I have a major family emergency with my premature twin babies but I have to get my boat pulled out of the water tomorrow morning and winterized. Thanks very much!
You have to be kidding me? No one responded??????????
Hi Keith, although i don't personally have experience with the Penta setup, your procedure sounds right. The main thing is to ensure that antifreeze circulated through the entire cooling system. As for fogging the engine, no problem with it being fuel injected, just fog through the throttle body just like you would through the carburetor. Sorry no one else responded, but is was friday............. :(
I do not have much experience with the Penta.

the qickest way to fog an inboard is to fill your fuel filter with 2 cycle oil spin it back on try and start your engine, 9 times out of 10 it will start if it smokes some this is what you want, shut it down your finished with the fogging.

to winterize I would draw the antifreeze up through the lower end just like the motor would draw the water once your boat is in the water, remember you always want to drain your motor first of all water if not you weaken the strength of the antifreeze when your motor mixes the two.

you need to run your engine first on muffs to get it warm enough for the thermostat to open, you dont want to wait for this to happen while adding antifreeze, warm up on muffs, drain, add antifreeze.

hope this helps