Our bow filler seat has sat as a chair in our lake house guest bedroom pretty much since the boat was new. We tried it out on our first 1-2 trips, but just really didn’t need it, and preferred having access to our bow and port doors.
We thought we would take it out and give it another try because we wanted to make a little room in the guest bedroom for a rocking chair. We were surprised at how much our boat fabric color has changed with exposure over the last 8 years. I guess not really “surprised” as much as we simply hadn’t noticed the color change.
With it being so slow and gradual (then the boat being in storage 7 months per year), and our seats otherwise kept pretty clean and looking nice, we hadn’t noticed the change over time. Even with covering our boat after every use, it just gets a lot of sunshine for the 4 months of use it sees up here in Michigan.
I took a picture just to show everyone. We still love the way our boat looks. Just interesting how much impact time and slow exposure to sun over time has on colors.
Would you describe our current seat color as more of a taupe compared to its original tan color?
We thought we would take it out and give it another try because we wanted to make a little room in the guest bedroom for a rocking chair. We were surprised at how much our boat fabric color has changed with exposure over the last 8 years. I guess not really “surprised” as much as we simply hadn’t noticed the color change.
With it being so slow and gradual (then the boat being in storage 7 months per year), and our seats otherwise kept pretty clean and looking nice, we hadn’t noticed the change over time. Even with covering our boat after every use, it just gets a lot of sunshine for the 4 months of use it sees up here in Michigan.
I took a picture just to show everyone. We still love the way our boat looks. Just interesting how much impact time and slow exposure to sun over time has on colors.
Would you describe our current seat color as more of a taupe compared to its original tan color?