Fuel Fill Problem


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I bought a 2018 Bennington Tritoon two days ago and was very excited to get it on the river. Since the fuel level was low I attempted to add gas using my 5 gallon tanks. I tried 3 different funnels and a 1/2 inch shaker syphon. I spilled more gas then I have over the past 5 years combined of filling boats with gas. I gave up after 4 gallons. I opened the gas tank cover today and about 1/2 gallon of gas came shooting out of the tank before I could get the cover back on. Without being able to add gas I do not want to launch it.
Any help is appreciated.
I have a 2017 R series and fill from 5 gallon tanks. I was not able to use my shaker syphon that I've used on previous boats for 20 plus years. I am using this battery powered pump from Amazon. It works well but I have to find the sweet spot or it cuts off from back pressure.

TERA PUMP 4th Gen. Fuel Pump Transfer Pump

When it's on the trailer, I am able to fill it from a gas pump with a little fiddling. I have to find the optimum angle to insert the nozzle and pump at medium speed.
Where was the boat at geographically before you bought it and now? Almost sounds like excessive pressure in the line or tank, and the EPA required system to shut the safety valve (not the right term…) is based on pressure. Maybe excessive heat and pressure built up?

I am not good in some of these trouble shooting concerns as I have not had this issue with our 2017. But I‘m in a northern climate, and sometimes wonder if that helps...? That said, sometimes air in a line, or a kink in the line has been other peoples delima in when having fuel fill issues.

Anyway, there are other discussion threads on this very topic with much advice and replies. I suggest doing a search in the forum (upper right hand corner) to see if some of the suggestions might be useful for your situation.
I bought a 2018 Bennington Tritoon two days ago and was very excited to get it on the river. Since the fuel level was low I attempted to add gas using my 5 gallon tanks. I tried 3 different funnels and a 1/2 inch shaker syphon. I spilled more gas then I have over the past 5 years combined of filling boats with gas. I gave up after 4 gallons. I opened the gas tank cover today and about 1/2 gallon of gas came shooting out of the tank before I could get the cover back on. Without being able to add gas I do not want to launch it.
Any help is appreciated.
What model/layout do you have? Or post a picture, thanks
There seems to be a lot of chatter about problems with fuel filling side fill boats. I addressed that issue on another thread but am afraid that my response was to long to be read while not long enough to be effective. I will try to be brief while erroring on the side of brevity.
Modern tanks have charcoal filters in the vent line that can get plugged if the fill area is flooded do to overfilling or failure of the system that prevents overfilling. A plugged filter vent creates symptoms associated with a trapped pressure in the tank. Another set of problems is associated with the fragile system that prevents overfilling. When this system fails if shuts the pump filler nozzle off prematurely unless it is held just so. In the process gas spits into the fill area and in turn flows down to the charcoal filter. The filter becomes plugged and now we have a new set of problems.
On my 22SX I temporarily disavowed the finicky system that prevented overfilling. During that time I was careful not to overfill. In the end I went to a direct fill system similar to what is used on most pontoon boats.
I cannot recommend tampering with the finicky overfill shutoff if you want your boat to be EPA compliant. Going to direct fill is not easy. If it was easy Bennington would have converted those models by now. What I can recommend is going to your dealer. If enough people complain we will get factory support.
Direct fill is an option on "some" Bennington models . I had it on my 2020 and currently on my 2022.
Here is a stock pic of the Bennington direct fill.1676910148250.png
I forgot to mention, it's a No Cost option . Best thing I did when ordering was adding the direct fill .
Direct fill is an option on "some" Bennington models . I had it on my 2020 and currently on my 2022.
Good to know. Now I am confused why direct fill is a option while it is standard on many other models and most boats in the industry.
Years ago ,I was told it was the ski pole location. Another constraint is toon configuration.
As DVW states, it's probably a tank venting issue. Find the vent system, troubleshoot it (filled with water, outlet screen is clogged, etc.) and you have found your problem.
As DVW states, it's probably a tank venting issue. Find the vent system, troubleshoot it (filled with water, outlet screen is clogged, etc.) and you have found your problem.
On these pages I am hearing two sets of gas fill symptoms caused by what could be two problem sources. It probably is not just a clogged vent if failure of the system to prevent overfilling has clogged the filter. If the gas pump filler nozzle clicks off prematurely unless you are filling slow and the filler it is held off to one side you have failure of the system that prevents overfill. This failure can clog the tank vent.
NOTE: My problem is ONLY in hot weather. I can fill my tank no issues early morning, or late evening, but not during the day (when it is 100 plus degrees). This points to a venting issue.
On these pages I am hearing two sets of gas fill symptoms caused by what could be two problem sources. It probably is not just a clogged vent if failure of the system to prevent overfilling has clogged the filter. If the gas pump filler nozzle clicks off prematurely unless you are filling slow and the filler it is held off to one side you have failure of the system that prevents overfill. This failure can clog the tank vent.

I thought this post was instructive. A couple of ways to disrupt the system, but based on OP's over-pressure comment I think a vent issue is at least 1 problem. And, also, probably a fill problem.

A definite troubleshooting guide from Benny as a sticky would be nice if not already since this comes up fairly regularly.

I thought this post was instructive. A couple of ways to disrupt the system, but based on OP's over-pressure comment I think a vent issue is at least 1 problem. And, also, probably a fill problem.

A definite troubleshooting guide from Benny as a sticky would be nice if not already since this comes up fairly regularly.

Thanks for the link describing what Bennington did to comply to EPA emission requirements. I learned about this the hard way by looking at the parts (see photo).


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