Happy Birthday


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Happy Birthday matthew. Hope its a good one.
aww now i feel special...thank you for the bday wishes. had a blast this weekend although sadly didn't get out on the boat at all. looking forward to this weekend though!
and to add...finally knocked down the big 30!!! I think i'm going to enjoy this decade alot...life's good now that i got the Benny : )

Can't remember if you're local to me but if you ever want to come out to lewisville lake let me know and we can get together. i've got a guest pass for the marina's private slip you can use
Thanks for the invite to Lewisville Lake. I am located about two hours east of Amarillo. Makes me five to six hours from you. But, you never know.

Again congrats on the big 30. Ahhh, to be there again. Half a century plus two for me. The wife turns the big half in three days. Heading to Red River to celebrate it. Hopefully cooler there. LOL