Holy cow!

Not for me. That is a lot of wasted space on that deck. And if I had a boat with 900hp I'd want to go faster than 57mph!!!! I'm sure the price tag will be out of this world as well.
" granite tile deck"  WOW, talk about a heavy boat!!
Nothing spells "Happiness" more than wretched excess! After all, it's America, and you could own the biggest Pontoon in town! Sad, really.
I can just imagine how much the new toon would cost and honestly for what I THINK it would cost, I would rather go out and buy a yacht that has multiple levels and a bed!  :p
Good luck finding somewhere wide enough to pull that beast in!  I see a lot of dents and scratches in that boat owner's experience....not to mention how would you legally trailer something that wide?  Custom dock and never move it again once it's delivered!
I have a 20x40 hole in my backyard. I can't imagine driving it around...