How not to winterize your toon


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
We have a lot of those up here ,and you can see who they are when they do make it on the water 
Now that's funny!
It sits in his yard, on the ground, uncoverd, in the winter.   Whats wrong with that... duh..
Hmmmm. What's more work? Putting the cover on just one time in the fall, or shoveling it out all winter? How does that guy even own a house on a lake???

All my shovels are metal. I can only guess what banging around a plate of steel on the end of a stick does to the interior of a boat. That's a bunch of dumb-assery if there ever was.
Actually, I'm surprised he even takes it out of the water and puts it in his yard. After doing all that, it's putting a cover on that breaks the camel's back???
Actually there are 5 pontoon owners that Never take theirs out up here . I will try to get a pic .
Not sure what his deal is. Really nice guy but never goes out on the water. He has a corvette and Harley he never uses either.
Is it that he has no idea ?

Great looking Boat from what is shown 

We have some here who dont winterize 

They throw a canvas over the pontoon and call it even !!

After spending what I did 

I will pay to have it taken care

I sounded off this past summer regarding leaving the boat in the water uncovered  I don't understand people. They pay big bucks for the boat. It comes with everything needed to keep it clean and protected. Yet they leave it to the weather. I to cover my boat every day even if I'm going out again the next day it still gets covered. Wife and I often wonder what the inside of their  house looks like if that's the way they take care of other material things.

If they trade in they still expect top dollar. Just had to say it again.

Maybe some see perpetual summer and are unaware of the snow or ice !

Society, has issues

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That is brutal. I got cold just looking at those pictures. For the money, I would think a person would protect their investment. My issue out here is a bit different, but the principle is the same. I make sure to protect my vehicles from exposure to the sun. It can damage a vehicle.

I am a sissy. I can't do cold weather. After looking at those pictures, I turned down the AC. It is only 78 here and sitting here with shorts and flaps is tough. :D  Time to leave the office and go get my grandson and take him to baseball practice.

Stay Warm, Cheers, Steve
AZ, FL, TX...beautiful states in the winter. It's far nicer to be where it is 78 - 85 than where it is 20. Some folks don't even go outside.

AZ, Fl, TX...horrible states in the summer. It's far nicer to be where it is 78 - 85 than where it is 102 - 110. Some folks don't even go outside.


It all comes out when Captain Averages shows up.  
So True 

But always remember

Home no matter where it is , is Home

If it is Nome Alaska , being with family and friends is all that counts


Maybe we will have an early spring despite what The Groundhog has said (lol)

