How to Flip a TriToon


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Los Angeles / Lake Havasu
Memorial day chop combined with a double decker TriToon and too many people on Board (all 14 people picked up, no major injuries), all standing in one area of the boat...

And then how to flip it back over...

I'd bet it was a rental.
Same thing happened here just about 4 year's ago from the article " according to ****** Marine, the company which rented the boat to the group that flipped over."
One night when I was gasing up at the Marina Harbor, these kids came flying in with their rental pontoon boat and hit at least 5 or 6 boats. These young kids were intoxicated to say the least and fortunately the sherriff's deputy was there and threw handcuffs on all of them. I guess drinking while underage, wreckless driving, and G* knows what else. It can be dangerous out there with these younger groups driving rentals and mommy and daddy's boats. Glad they were all ok on the flipped pontoon boat
Same thing happened here just about 4 year's ago from the article " according to ****** Marine, the company which rented the boat to the group that flipped over."
Interesting - seems these double decker's definitely are lacking somewhat in stability - even with 3 toons underneath. This also reflects the power a tube can demand, or in this newer case the wakes caused at Bouey points (additional articles indicated some big boats were cruising down the river and stopped suddenly just before no wake zone, causing some sizable waves). In any event, overloading, inexperienced captains, and too many people is never good cocktail.....
We’ve always rented a double decker tritoon with the slides when we have traveled down to the Branson area. It’s a very different feel than a normal tritoon due to being so top heavy. We tube, but straight lines with them due to their top heavy nature. They are neat and fun, but you gotta be slightly more aware!
Is there something on it about not towing from the upper deck ? On my 2014 Sport Arch, it had a warning label " no towing inflatables ,boards only "
The ones we rented said no towing from top. No one up top when underway. It was pretty clear and explicit about that in our rental terms and discussion each time. I’d have to believe that is standard with those double deckers. It’s a top heavy situation that could go side ways real quick with the wrong wake, waves, or turn and drag…as evident from the above.