Installing a privacy curtain on a 20SL


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Hi All,

Any chance Bennington or one of you guys has installation instructions squirreled away for the privacy curtain on a 20SLX? I had the dealer mail the bracket and curtain to us since I figured it couldn't be too tough to get it installed on the underside of the sun deck... It shouldn't be but it appears there should be some pre-drilled holes that it attaches to that are hidden under the fabric.

Any help or a finished snapshot would be appreciated.

I don't have instructions or pics but I can tell you there are snaps at the base (by your feet) on the curtain, so you would want to make sure the top is installed just right so the snaps at the bottom can also be placed just right... Sorry, that's not much help, just pointing out something to watch out for.

You have the double-wide lounger in the back, right? I have a 24SSL, and will try to remember to snap some photos for you. Probably won't be until next weekend though. Hopefully someone can help you quicker than that.
Hi Oja,

Maybe this will help. We hope lots of folks will open this attachment just to take a peek. We mean SERVICE...this is the level of information Bennington dealers get from us. It's one of the things that sets us apart from other manufacturers! :) TB

S Series Privacy Curtain Installation.pdf


  • S Series Privacy Curtain Installation.pdf
    573.4 KB · Views: 832
Great information! Now if every customer had access to that level of info, and not just the dealers, then maybe we wouldn't have to pay $125/hr for work on our boats... just kidding (maybe not kidding...)!! ;)
Our dealers are our lifeline, worth every penny!
Great information! Now if every customer had access to that level of info, and not just the dealers, then maybe we wouldn't have to pay $125/hr for work on our boats... just kidding (maybe not kidding...)!! ;)
I agree great information! And to Chateau's point, I'm thinking that the level of detail provides an excellent overview of the steps skills and tools provided. And in this case probably not too many Bennington owners would take on the project. ;)
All I can say is I'm very impressed with the service I've received so far and thanks for the install directions. I'll put them to good use.
Awesome TB!!! I took our curtain off to store it in the house last winter, and I figured it would be obvious how it went back on. Ha. I have the zipper in the corner right now! Oops. It works like that, but oops.

PS - If you guys have this level of documentation on a shower curtain, why on Earth would you be giving out those DVDs with that video made in the 1940s??? For Christ sake, make a new owner's video already. I look at your website, and judge it to be top notch. Even the old web site from last year was top notch. Brochures, top notch. Online videos, top notch!

So then I get home with my brand new boat, all happy and proud, and I pop in the DVD, and for a minute I wonder if I bought a Sun Tracker... Seriously, it would be better to just not give those out at all.
Awesome TB!!! I took our curtain off to store it in the house last winter, and I figured it would be obvious how it went back on. Ha. I have the zipper in the corner right now! Oops. It works like that, but oops.

PS - If you guys have this level of documentation on a shower curtain, why on Earth would you be giving out those DVDs with that video made in the 1940s??? For Christ sake, make a new owner's video already. I look at your website, and judge it to be top notch. Even the old web site from last year was top notch. Brochures, top notch. Online videos, top notch!

So then I get home with my brand new boat, all happy and proud, and I pop in the DVD, and for a minute I wonder if I bought a Sun Tracker... Seriously, it would be better to just not give those out at all.
That's right Kaydano, I dragged Kathy in to the livinbg room to show her the dvd and when it was over we looked at each other and LOAO.

All I can say is WOW !!!

That is great Customer Support.
Our dealers are our lifeline, worth every penny!
I didn't mean to imply the dealers aren't top notch... they are, and they are a "partner" in the ownership experience between the OEM, the Dealer, and the Customer. However, some OEM's might even think their customers are their lifeline. My point is that if the customer could access that type of info (similar to old Chilton's manuals, surfing the web for Home Repair Projects, etc.), had the right tools, and had the confidence to take on the job, he/she could balance that against the cost to haul the boat to the dealer, live without it for a week, and pay for the 5-star mechanic. His/her choice!! I have many a tool in my garage bought specifically to take on a DIY project. Yet, I've paid many a contractor to use their skill to tackle the tough stuff!!
I didn't mean to imply the dealers aren't top notch... they are, and they are a "partner" in the ownership experience between the OEM, the Dealer, and the Customer. However, some OEM's might even think their customers are their lifeline. My point is that if the customer could access that type of info (similar to old Chilton's manuals, surfing the web for Home Repair Projects, etc.), had the right tools, and had the confidence to take on the job, he/she could balance that against the cost to haul the boat to the dealer, live without it for a week, and pay for the 5-star mechanic. His/her choice!! I have many a tool in my garage bought specifically to take on a DIY project. Yet, I've paid many a contractor to use their skill to tackle the tough stuff!!
Well said. Another thing Bennington needs to consider when balancing the needs of the customer vs. supporting the dealer network is that not everyone has easy access to a dealer. Out here in California there are only two in the entire state.
I know this is an old thread, but I need to get the PDF for privacy curtain installation. The link in the post from 2012 doesn't work any longer.

Nevermind. I got the PDF downloaded. I might need help with installation after trying it.
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I need some help !! I received the s series curtain kit from my dealer. When I open the box and compared it to the parts show in the install pfd from the internet not all of the parts were included. For instance the 30lbs gas shock was not there, also brackets etc. I called the dealer and he said you have to buy parts on your own in addition to what was in the box. It did not seem like that made sense to me. Can any one help me with the install of the S Series Privacy Curtain on a Bennington 2019 22 foot boat. I need some help, please !!
Thanks Jim