Interesting Day at Boat Ramp


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Lake Cumberland KY - White Oak Community Dock
On Saturday at Lake Cumberland, I am backed into the water with the trailer for the big boat. The water level is down so the ramp gets steeper. Shut the truck off and help Jill get the boat on the trailer. That part goes well, the new Boatmate trailer is a dream to load. Hop in the truck and the engine cranks but the truck, 22 Expedition Max, will not fire. Try a couple of times and nothing. The problem was the angle was so steep that the fuel left in the tank was at the back of the tank and the fuel pump was dry. Luckily our cousins were home and they had an almost full 5 gallon can that they brought to us. I knew where the Ford funnel was in the jack compartment. We got about 4 gallons of fuel in it and it started right up. Got the boat to the mechanic to winterize, repair some things, and store till April.
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Yikes! That sounds pretty steep. Glad you were able to figure it out.
I was worried this was going to end with the truck in the lake!
The ramp was 20 degrees. The truck has a gauge for off roading excursions. Also learned that if the truck is not running you can not put it in neutral. There might be someway in the owners manual but did not check it out since I got it running.