Last Day With 2006 2250 GL


Well-Known Member
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Warsaw, MO
Enjoyed a great last day on my first Benny. It was a great day and now we look forward to Benny #2.Some pics of the boat and a view of the lake from our cottage. 





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Is that what happens when you acid wash the toons??
I only had the tunes acid cleaned once and they looked great for about three years.  They looked just like they do in that picture before the only time I had them acid cleaned. So I don't believe the acid clean makes them look that way. If I had been keeping the boat, I would have had them acid cleaned this year.  When it's in the water it does not look as bad. I knew when I posted this that someone would comment on the toons with all the shark hide enthusiaists on the forum.  Sharkhide was not well know 10 years ago when I purchased the boat.
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