Like my season isn't short enough!


Just some guy
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Dauphin, Manitoba
Well, we finally actually had some decent weather! Then a frost and -2C last night! Haha, still don't have my boat out of storage, although that is because of the worms. Last year we got hit with a huge infestation of tent caterpillars, they made a mess of everything. Luckily I hadn't brought the boat home last year. This year when the weather started getting nice I thought about bringing her home and getting the batteries and everything ready to go, but thought I'd wait to see if we get the worms. Well they are starting. I see mass clumps of them in some of the trees, hopefully it gets over and done with soon. Far to many spots on a pontoon boat for them to climb up and in and cocoon. Plus they make a HUGE mess when you squish them! I'm lucky I have a great brother in law that doesn't mind it sitting in his quonset. Although now they've started the new road construction by his place, so I'll have to figure that out too! Good times! Maybe I'll get lucky and win the 50 million dollars on the lottery tonight and I'll move up to Lake Norman with you guys! That sandbar looks interesting!! :D  
Plenty of room for you guys and that beautiful boat Derrick.......
We had those worms here a few years back . The only way to get rid  them is burn the nest/tent.

Bad thing is I thought I saw some the other day .I was told they come in cycles ,few years on ,few years off .
I think it's time to take a vacation Derrick.   :D

Should have a new seawall and 60 feett of dock by the time the weekend hits. We can "launch" our boats together and you're welcome to use my dock, cottage, etc anytime you want.  That goes for any of my Bennington family. Anybody ever wants to come to Saginaw Bay / Caseville (thumb of Michigan), you are all welcome

Well dang it, I didn't win! Although nobody did, so I'm banking on next Friday when they draw again!! Hopefully I can take you all up on your offers someday! Last year we actually killed a lot of the caterpillars with dish soap and water in a pump sprayer! Good part is it helps wash the house too! I did actually go and see my boat yesterday. Brother in law just had back surgery so we went and gave him a hand with some work on his farm. Just cutting the grass and had to climb onto the top of a grain bin and put the lid back on the top that the wind blew off the other day. Must say, first time driving a zero turn mower, took a couple minutes to get used to, but dang that was fun!