Well-Known Member
I launched the boat last week. When I was un hooking the bow strap as the boat was in the water I looked down in the water and saw a Trailer License plate. I picked it up and put it in the back of the truck.
I was about to post “Found license Plate” on my local (Next Door App) but just before I did I took a look and my trailer Plate was missing, Hummmmm better check my reg to make sure I’m not posting my own plate,
Sure enough I found my own Trailer lice plate.
the plastic tab that holds the plate on Broke and the plate fell in the lake. I decided to add a piece of wire as a tether so if it breaks off again I will not loose it only takes a second. 
I was about to post “Found license Plate” on my local (Next Door App) but just before I did I took a look and my trailer Plate was missing, Hummmmm better check my reg to make sure I’m not posting my own plate,
Sure enough I found my own Trailer lice plate.