Mercury Vessel View discussion thread


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I thought I would start a separate thread about the Vessel View device and software. I assume lots of folks bought this when it was on sale in the spring of 2019.

Thus far, I have been less than impressed. I figured we can discuss this device here and maybe help each other out.

My biggest beef seems to be that the software constantly loses connection with my iPhone 6 and has to reconnect. It happens over and over; rarely staying connected for more than a few minutes. Anyone else having this issue?
Thus far, I have been less than impressed...My biggest beef seems to be that the software constantly loses connection with my iPhone 6 and has to reconnect. It happens over and over; rarely staying connected for more than a few minutes. Anyone else having this issue?

I am in the same boat - pun intended! Bought it with that great sale. It was installed a little over a month before the boat got in the water for the summer. Then I kind of forgot about it for awhile due to surgery recovery, work, and other general cottage and boat life busyness. o_O

I tried using it three times in July, but of course we’ve always had guests with us each time, so I haven’t been able to really fidget too much with it. :rolleyes:

I have never gotten a clean connection. Never! Tried setting up the Vessel View app account, that didn’t work. I have since tried just “connecting” to it with the Vessel View app on an iPhone 7. It will look like its briefly connected and start to give a little bit of data (but not much), and then blank out and want to reconnect. It will basically do this endlessly. :(

Between my wife mistakenly handing it off to the dealer to install with spring clean up and summer prep after my knee surgery (price gauged by them and a waste of $$$ given its plug and play), and the cost of it (even on sale), I have been totally unimpressed. :mad:

P.S. No ill will towards my wife on handing it off to the dealer. I was coming off ACL reconstruction, and she was trying to help me out by saving me trouble on some tasks. I appreciated her thoughtfulness, if not the end result. ;)
Mine has been rock solid. I use a Galaxy S9+.

It shows a ton of info and I'm impressed so far. Sorry you all are having problems with it.

The one thing i wish it showed was gallons per mile. It shows mph (speed) and gallons per hour (fuel burn rate) but does not show gpm which would tell me the most efficient RPMs.