Mooring Cover Replacement Snaps


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Hello Everyone,

I have 5 or 6 snaps on the mooring cover that broke. Does anyone know where to get replacement snaps? I'm sure I can take it somewhere but I'd rather do it myself to save a few bucs. I found some on Amazon and a few other sites but wasn't sure what the correct size was and what material they should be made out of. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
That would be covered under warranty my friend. See if your dealer has a canvas shop in house. You could probably swing by there and have it done in a couple minutes. I have a couple on mine as well that are failing.
I had bought some at Amazon .I needed them for a jacket . The ones I ordered were the same size as the boat .

I agree about the dealer and the warranty 
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That would be covered under warranty my friend. See if your dealer has a canvas shop in house. You could probably swing by there and have it done in a couple minutes. I have a couple on mine as well that are failing.

That is news to me 

Mine was broken when delivered to me 

Well we know how that went

I will see if my new Dealer of Choice will repair under warranty !

Yup! Bow to stern warranty means everything.
Thanks everyone, I didn't even think about it being covered under warranty!