Motor in or out of the water?


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What do you think, should I keep my outboard motor trimmed up or down? I keep my boat docked at a marina and am concerned about pitting of my toons. I think one anode is always under water and two are out when trimmed up. I keep the motor up to keep the scum from forming on it. Is that enough protection or should I keep the motor in the water?
This is the first time keeping my boat in the water........when we tied up the other night my wife raised the outdrive and that gleaming expensive stainless steel prop was sticking out of the water ripe for the picking.......she lowered the outdrive......
I kept mine up out of the water before I had a lift.
Stainless sticking up here as well, but I back the toon up into the slip. I have around 4 feet between the motor and dock. Not really worried about the prop, more worried about the potential pitting caused by not having the anodes in the water. Thoughts?
I was worried too. So I moved it to a lift.
I always trim out. My Bravo on my last boat took a beating every year in the marina. One of the reasons I went to an O/B was so I could trim out. Most of the boats around me also trim out.
Right now ,mine is up and out of the water .

They do make "prop locks " I am thinking about one

I knew you were going to post the prop lock Jack.........How much do those run?
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Just looked it up too. The link says $53.22 for merc, but Yamaha,Honda & Suzuki all showed the same price.
Hmmm... What are the odds of me losing the key nut...
I plan on keeping the key on my boat items shelf in the basement back in the original package.
Hmmm... What are the odds of me remembering where I put it...

I'm getting old. Just sayin. Plus boat stays in a locked garage when not in use, which is my real reason.
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