New Pontoon


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Hi All,
Have a bow rider and looking to go to a Tritoon. Found a Bennington 21ssbxp with TRI-TOON SPORT PERFORMANCE SYSTEM - SPS
SKI TOW BAR, DOCKING LIGHTS. My Dad has an older Tritoon Bennington so I like them but have some other questions.
1. Anyone know a fair price range? Not sure if I can ask that here.
2. Anyone have a 21footer and does it do okay in rough water or is it Noticeably rougher like bow riders might be. I will sea trial but just want real world experience.
3. Based on other threads I assume I will see close to 40. Will I be able to slalom with a group of say 6 adults though?
4. I will trailer a lot. Like 6 hours one way several times a year. . I have an Expedition with eco boost engine and it pulls 21’ boat fine. Am I asking for trouble with a pontoon with size etc? I know I need a good trailer. Looking at mid America with brakes etc straps from other conversations. Anyone else pull that much and do tires hold up? I just don’t want to be those trailers on side of road. That’s kind of why looking at 21’.
5. Do you pull uncovered? I hate doing that but factory mooring cover looks like it would be a parachute.

Thanks for any input.
Yes you will be able to slalom with no problem. Close to 40 mph can be expected depending on multiple factors. Weight, water condition, Bimini up or down, wind things like that. Towing a Tritoon can be interesting. Wind can be a big factor compared to a runabout. Sounds like a nice craft.
We went from a bowrider to a tritoon. You will notice a big difference in ride comfort. We would get beat up in our bowrider. The tritoon handles chop with ease and just glides over waves. You should see about 40. The more people you have onboard that number may come down a bit. That goes for being able to slalom with 6 onboard. Good question. We try to limit the amount of people onboard when skiing. It's alot easier for that slalom skiier to pop out of the water with only a driver and spotter than having 6 onboard. We have an Expedition w/a 5.4 and we have no problem towing our heavy 2275RL I/O. Tow uncovered unless you get a travel cover specifically made for towing.
Just got back from Canada, (15 hour tow) with 2018 Expedition Max with V6 eco boost. Towed our 22' pontoon.very well. I tow at 75-80 mph thru Michigan. Only downside is the 8.1 mpg towing. Plenty of low end torque for towing.
4. I will trailer a lot. Like 6 hours one way several times a year. . I have an Expedition with eco boost engine and it pulls 21’ boat fine. Am I asking for trouble with a pontoon with size etc? I know I need a good trailer. Looking at mid America with brakes etc straps from other conversations. Anyone else pull that much and do tires hold up? I just don’t want to be those trailers on side of road. That’s kind of why looking at 21’.
5. Do you pull uncovered? I hate doing that but factory mooring cover looks like it would be a parachute.

We tow our 2575 I/O with a 5L V8 F150 with no problem... not sure what wheelbase the Expedition has. Key to towing goes deeper than "is it big enough". Wheelbase is critical - the longer the wheelbase, the more stable the towing vehicle. It will resist fishtailing. Also, 70% of braking will come from the tow vehicle - I'm sure the Expedition brakes are fine, just make sure your brakes are always good. You'll note the gist of my comments here are related to controlling the trailer. Engine size is least critical as long as you have enough power to get over anticipated terrain. On our Airstream Trailer forum, I once read a comment that went something like "you can tow any size trailer you want with a VW Beetle, its controlling it that will get you in trouble!)

We have a triple axel for our big 2575. Its overkill, but it tows arrow-straight - which is critical when my wife is driving! Any fishtailing from a passing 18-wheeler, and she'll pull off the road and quit!!!

You won't go wrong with Midamerica trailers. Well built!

We tow uncovered. I will bring it home from the storage unit still covered (7 miles at less than 45 mph) but wouldn't go on the highway that way. When I tow, I open the bow gate and the stern gate. It clears out debris, and makes me feel like I'm reducing the wind resistance!!!!

When I can afford it, I plan to get a custom-made towing cover.
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I pull my 21’ boat now at 70 max. Call me crazy but I am careful considering the loads and other people. I get 14.6 mpg now running shell premium fuel with eco boost. That’s not my worry though. I have the short expedition now. I think it will be fine but will continue taking it slower than the rest. Thank you for input. Anyone able to comment on fair price? Not many 21’ with this set up to compare.
We tow our 2575 I/O with a 5L V8 F150 with no problem... not sure what wheelbase the Expedition has. Key to towing goes deeper than "is it big enough". Wheelbase is critical - the longer the wheelbase, the more stable the towing vehicle. It will resist fishtailing. Also, 70% of braking will come from the tow vehicle - I'm sure the Expedition brakes are fine, just make sure your brakes are always good. You'll note the gist of my comments here are related to controlling the trailer. Engine size is least critical as long as you have enough power to get over anticipated terrain. On our Airstream Trailer forum, I once read a comment that went something like "you can tow any size trailer you want with a VW Beetle, its controlling it that will get you in trouble!)

We have a triple axel for our big 2575. Its overkill, but it tows arrow-straight - which is critical when my wife is driving! Any fishtailing from a passing 18-wheeler, and she'll pull off the road and quit!!!

You won't go wrong with Midamerica trailers. Well built!

We tow uncovered. I will bring it home from the storage unit still covered (7 miles at less than 45 mph) but wouldn't go on the highway that way. When I tow, I open the bow gate and the stern gate. It clears out debris, and makes me feel like I'm reducing the wind resistance!!!!

When I can afford it, I plan to get a custom-made towing cover.
Btw opening gates do you strap them? That seems like it could cause a lot of turbulence.
I leave them in the floor stops... hasn't been a problem.
We pull slalom skiers almost every time we get on the lake. We generally have four to six adults with two to three kids on the boat. I can assure anyone buying a Tritoon twenty two foot or less with a 150 hp that they will be able to slalom ski single or double behind it. I will not say the same for a longer heavier boat. I’m also not sure if you can barefoot behind one. Never tried it, and at my age not sure I will. LOL.
PS: the most common complaint I get from my skiers is, you are pulling me too hard or too fast at the start, they want me to ease up on the initial start.
22 SSBXP 150 Yami VMax, 37-38 full fuel, 2 people, Bimi up.
Came from 17 21G Nautique Wake Board boat and we love the Bennington ride..handles rough water great and smooth ride. Only regret is not max the HP!!