New Tumacs cover problems!!


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Jordan Lake, NC
I ordered a new Tumacs cover at the end of 2023 because my current cover was on its last legs. I ordered Sunbrella with clips for close to $3k. The cover showed up with no clips. Ok, mistakes happen. I contacted them and they paid return shipping and put the clips on. I finally put the new cover on July 4th as my old cover ripped. Rained last night and today I go to the boat to pick up something I forgot and at every seam in the cover my seats and floor are stained black. I didn't have time to clean it but rubbed on a spot with a wet finger and it didn't come right off. I sent an email to Tumacs and am waiting for a reply. I'm really nervous though, what if I clean the stains, if they even come off, and then next rain more stains!!!! NOT a happy Tumacs customer.IMG_1560.jpg


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We'll, good news and maybe bad??

Tumacs got back to me and can't think of what would cause it. Asked it I used water repellant on it or where it's been stored since purchase. I never used anything on it and it's been stored in original box in garage since purchase.

I cleaned one stain with cleaner and it wasn't too bad. It took a little elbow grease but came clean. It was too hot to do more. I put old cover back on, brought new cover home, laid it out on driveway and washed both sides with plain old water from hose. I looked at seams and the only black is the threads. I'll put the new cover back on boat after I clean it all up and after next rain see what happens. I'm thinking maybe factory dirt, shipping dirt, storage dirt and this was the first rain it saw? It was always in original box. If not dirt the threads are bleeding, we shall see.
I hope it is the dirt issue you talk about. Fingers crossed for you. I have a warranty replacement mooring cover arriving any day now. I am not wondering if I should lay it out and wash it in my yard first…? I originally planned to spray protectorant onto it first, but perhaps I will wash thoroughly…then protectorant…then get it put on. Hmmm….
Mooring cover is starting to give up the ghost too - broken clip, broken snap/button - and some tears. 4 years isn't bad but was hoping to get a bit kore out of it given I'm in a covered slip.

Viking do you remember what the warranty period is on it? Muchas gracias!
Cover warranty is the same as the pontoon. Depending on year 5,7 or 10 .( 5s are done 7s close to done )
I got six years of good use out of my original cover so I can’t complain but it did develop a couple of small holes. As such, I also got a warranty parting gift in the form of a new cover. No issues with it at all.
I ordered a new Tumacs cover at the end of 2023 because my current cover was on its last legs. I ordered Sunbrella with clips for close to $3k. The cover showed up with no clips. Ok, mistakes happen. I contacted them and they paid return shipping and put the clips on. I finally put the new cover on July 4th as my old cover ripped. Rained last night and today I go to the boat to pick up something I forgot and at every seam in the cover my seats and floor are stained black. I didn't have time to clean it but rubbed on a spot with a wet finger and it didn't come right off. I sent an email to Tumacs and am waiting for a reply. I'm really nervous though, what if I clean the stains, if they even come off, and then next rain more stains!!!! NOT a happy Tumacs customer.View attachment 36000
Damn! You guys shouldn't have to wash a new cover or treat with water repellent. Have them make you another one with material from a different lot! That should not happen! Especially Sunbrella!
Viking do you remember what the warranty period is on it? Muchas gracias!
As mentioned, same as what you have with the rest of your boat. Part of the Bow to stern warranty. 10 years for me on my 2017 (as I had the 7 year original and got the additional + 3 years by joining this forum as an incentive at the time). I believe it is flat out 10 year for anyone with a 2018 or newer. I forget what year your boat is…?
I have a 2023 bought new last month. I pulled off the Mercury and installed a Suzuki of same hp. How does that affect my warranty?
It shouldn't, motors are separate covered by that manufacturer. The rigging, you would have to check with Bennington.
OK, The seats are clean, I didn't do the floor. The new cover has been washed both sides with hose water and is back on. Now we wait for rain and cross our fingers.
As mentioned, same as what you have with the rest of your boat. Part of the Bow to stern warranty. 10 years for me on my 2017 (as I had the 7 year original and got the additional + 3 years by joining this forum as an incentive at the time). I believe it is flat out 10 year for anyone with a 2018 or newer. I forget what year your boat is…?

May 2020, so she's still a relatively young little thing. If the cover is part of the 10-year warranty then that makes me a happy camper! Yet another reason Bennington is one of the best in the biz!
I hope it is the dirt issue you talk about. Fingers crossed for you. I have a warranty replacement mooring cover arriving any day now. I am not wondering if I should lay it out and wash it in my yard first…? I originally planned to spray protectorant onto it first, but perhaps I will wash thoroughly…then protectorant…then get it put on. Hmmm…. seems you absolutely should! seems you absolutely should!
Ha, ha! Right!?!

I’ve been highly physically compromised going on a 5 weeks now and in PT as a spin off of my hip situation last year. So I guess the “wondering” was more to do with my limitations at the moment. You are right, the writings on the wall that I should do those things. However, it probably means my wife having to do them, and she’s already had to pick up a lot of my duties and chauffeur me around these past 5 weeks. Hate dumping more on her. :confused:
Well, it's raining like crazy here today. I plan to go out Sunday so I'll find out if it was dirt or not. Very strange if so as this is my fourth cover and the first three never had a problem. They were Suralast though not Sunbrella. I'll post results Monday.
Well, it's raining like crazy here today. I plan to go out Sunday so I'll find out if it was dirt or not. Very strange if so as this is my fourth cover and the first three never had a problem. They were Suralast though not Sunbrella. I'll post results Monday.
Fingers crossed for you. We got our warranty replacement cover today. Tomorrow we plan to clean it now (just in case due to your situation) before letting it dry and spraying it with protectorant.

The dealership is sending someone out dockside next Tuesday to fit it with snaps for the for and aft deck areas. Hopefully we’ll be good to go at that point - and our boat better off in wind in rain. ;)
Well the seats are clean. Whew!!! I was nervous as this is my fourth cover and I've never seen anything like this. Some form of very black dust was on that cover and the rain washed it into my boat. Now all that's left is to clean the floors.
I am so glad you were able to get it cleaned out of your seat, and hopefully can do so fairly easily with the flooring. Not something you could have anticipated.