Our daughter popped in.....


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North Carolina
Our daughter popped in about 2 am for a surprise weekend visit from Virginia. So that means skiing/wakeboarding today. Hate going out on the weekends....Ha!IMG_20190803_091242757.jpg
Enjoy the visit and have a safe weekend of boating!
I hope your weather is as good as ours :)

Finally PERFECT weather to enjoy The Lake in AUGUST of all months lol
Hoping it lasts afte the Non- Stop Rain , Heat and High Humidity
Will be on The Benny Non - Stop

Boating Season and Nothing Better Than Sharing With Family
Enjoy My Friend , These Moments Are Precious

Good Morning Big Kahuna, when i first saw this thread posted I thought it was going to be another porta-potty thread. then i said, oh, popped, got it. :)
Surprised she wasn’t shot “popping” in at that time of the morning. Hope you had some warning
Little rusty. Ha!
Surprised she wasn’t shot “popping” in at that time of the morning. Hope you had some warning
Yeah we had some warning.....Dad I'm in the driveway ....
LOL - sounds like the type of warning kids might give. What a great surprised! Hope you have a fantastic visit and day on the lake. :)
Cruised all over. My daughter and her boyfriend skiied and wakeboarded. Went out for dinner and went to 2 different venues for live music. Ended up at a brewery. Getting too old for this. Ha!