Our Lake


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Sacandaga Lake, NY
In a recent post Remedition said to Google his address which I did and as always I enjoy exploring new places.  I do realize that some prfer their privacy but for those of us that do like exploring I thought it might be fun to see and learn about new places
So if you desire place your address for Google earth and perhaps also a link to Wikipedia that describes your lake.  Here is mine:
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Sacandaga_Lake

Google: 2013 Rt 30 Mayfield, NY 12117.  - This actually brings you to just up the road from our place.  The rectangular looking dock just south of it is our association dock and my red benny is on the upper left corner.

I am at the start on Crooked Lake .

I have mentioned in the past ,

Years ago there had been talk of connecting Little Traverse Bay ( Lake Michigan ) to Round Lake ,then Round Lake to Crooked Lake .I guess the Army corp of engineers would not  approve .
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I live on a small insland lake in Howell Michigan. Nothing big but it is nice to have the ability to fish, swim and boat in yout back yard. It's a nice small mid west town with lots to do. If you click on the link below there is a view of our small boat ramp and in the background you can see the Benny on the lift.

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Darn power companies....On December 11, 2014, Duke Energy, to repair a rusted, leaking pipe, received approval from North Carolina to dump Coal Ash (containing arsenic, lead and mercury, among other heavy metals) from the Marshall Steam Station into Lake Norman
Darn power companies....On December 11, 2014, Duke Energy, to repair a rusted, leaking pipe, received approval from North Carolina to dump Coal Ash (containing arsenic, lead and mercury, among other heavy metals) from the Marshall Steam Station into Lake Norman
I  saw that yesterday .
I developed the Wikipedia page for our Lake and

have been active with Google Earth for years

99.9% of the pics of this Lake online are mine

Unfortunately the old timers here do not appreciate

the notoriety I give to The Lake 

My response....... Too Bad 

I lived 22 miles from here and never knew the place existed (lol)

Thanks to my efforts that is no longer the case 

So please check it out 

Lake Tomahawk Ohio is all that is needed to search 

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