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Bought a used 2015 Bennington 22 S Series. Has a 115 Yamaha (60 hours) with center toon that is not full length. (still learning proper terminology). Wondering what expectations should be on speed? Have been able to pull slalom and wakeboard, took quite a few tries with slalom and top speed is only about 21 and RPM from 42-58 only gains about 1-2 MPH? Is all this expected?
I looked it up and online it shows a range of 5300-6000 rpm’s at WOT. Thus, RPM’s seem in the proper range.

Was that top speed of 21 mph while pulling the Slalom skier? If so, I guess I wouldn’t be surprised. That sounds about right to me.

The 115’s are nice with a light load and 1-3 people, but bog down fast with any weight or much drag (tubing/slalom skiers). What’s your max speed when solo and a 1/2 tank of gas? I’d expect it to be much faster in those conditions: if I had to guess, it would be 28-34 mph in those very light load circumstances.
Actually don't get over 21 regardless of load or what we are pulling.

Yup, something is seems out of wack then. You have an express tube set up with the partial length center tube. Due you have lifting strakes and/or underskinning?

I remember water test driving a 115 Honda when shopping two years ago. We were in the 30’s with 3 on board, 1/3 tank gas. Of course that was a full length 3rd tube tritoon with lifting strakes. Those are important difference makers.

Although every pontoon is different due to layout, weight, etc.., I sure think you should be getting better than 21. I know dirty pontoons seem to really slow pontoons significantly. Are your toons clean or dirty? That too might be playing a role.
And have you checked to see if the logs are holding water? I got 26-27 with my 20’ two log Benny and a 90hp. 25 more ponies, and another log, even if it is a 3/4 log, should get in line with what Viking stated.
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Checl tp see what pitch your prop is. I was running in the 28-31 mph range with a Yamaha 115 and a 13" 4 blade aluminum prop