Power assist question


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
Question for those with power assist. Is your pump on as soon as you turn the key or do you have to turn it on via a toggle switch on the dash? I'm trying to decide what way would be best. I'm thinking I wouldn't use it for slow cruising, then if doing water sports or a high speed run I would flip it on thus extending the life of the pump. Thoughts?
Lakeliving, what is the reason for not having it on all the time?
If I am driving along the shoreline slow, the regular hydraulic is not stressing on the arms, so why have the pump run for minor steering adjustments. I'm thinking in regards to wear and tear.
if your arms are not being stressed then I highly doubt your pump is. You don't turn the power steering on and off in your car for an example. Winter gives us too much time to think up stuff, lol.
It turns on with the key. My dealer forgot to hook it up when I bought my boat so I wired it to a switch temporarily. I enjoy not having to do that anymore. If you're going to pay for it, might as well use it all the time. 
Thanks guys. The risk manager in me looks long term thus was thinking of using it only when needed.
I hope you get plenty of use out of it. Come on summer 2016.
Ours is on a switch since I installed it, it was just easier to hook up. I turn it on and leave it on untill we are done. And.........it's harder to steer with it turned off than normal hyd steering.
Good to know Carl. I heard you can still use it with the pump off but assumed it was of equal effort as regular hydraulic. I guess on all the time is the way to go.
Andy ,use it ,you paid for it .You will more than likely get PADs again before the warranty runs out  :D
Are you putting plastic on the couch so it doesn't wear out. LOL
No because I don't let people sit down! This winter will be the 4th time the steering has been touched on this boat. I am just trying to eliminate that from my future routine if possible. Plus I heard the pump makes noise so if I am doing a slow cruise and could avoid the whine from the pump and prolong its life I figured winner winner.
When slow cruising I used to go in straight lines. Pump noise never was an issue when we occasionally turned.
When slow cruising I used to go in straight lines. Pump noise never was an issue when we occasionally turned.
Same with me.  I never hear it unless I'm in the marina making stop-to-stop turns.
Are you putting plastic on the couch so it doesn't wear out. LOL

Andy ,use it ,you paid for it .You will more than likely get PADs again before the warranty runs out  :D
And this!

Use that thing man! You're already a card carrying PADs member. There's no way you're going to have that thing past the warranty long enough for it to go out. And like others have said, you only hear the robot noises in tight maneuvering situations. Never slow cruising. 
After a while you don't notice the noise.