Power Assist


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Warsaw, MO
As I have posted, I broke in my 2275 GL with Yamaha F200 this weekend. The one item I would like to have addressed is the steering. When I ordered the boat, power assist was not ordered, I inquired with my dealer salesman if this was a mistake as Bennington recommends power assist on any motor above 150 HP.  I had already added a couple items post order.  The salesman really pushed hard that they did not order power assist with F200 set-up and no one has ever complained. I have driven a lot of boats since I was 12 years old and thought with hydraulic steering, which I have never had it would be pretty good. Well, many of you are right, I do find the steering to be harder than I expected without power assist. My dealer has said they have never had to install power assist for anyone and seem reluctant to want to install it. Is it that hard for them to install power assist? Would anything be different with it dealer installed instead of factory installed. I appreciate any thoughts on this subject. I am aware this is a pricey item, but I want to get this right.
It's not that hard to do. I installed the power assist myself.
Any reason you can think of why my dealer would be so reluctant to add it? Does not make sense to me. Seems like they would make some $.
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That does seem strange that they don't want to add it.  Could be that since it is the busy season they dont want to takle the job?  Maybe remind him that you are a paying cutomer?  Is there another Benny dealer you could ask if yours flat out refuse to do it?

We went from cable steering to power and man what a difference.  Our dealer was happy we went with it.
I have some other options if I need to go some where else. I am not the type of person to take this on myself. There are a lot of really mechanical people on this site that have indicated this is not that hard. I always try to figure out the motivations of people and assume good intent. I thought maybe this is more complicated than I understand. I was surprised with Bennington recommending it for a motor of my size that they pushed me not  to add it. This whole part of the process seemed odd to me. I added SS rub rail and In Floor Storage about 10 days after my order and I felt guilty about asking about it, but I really thought it was ordered because Bennington recommends it.
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We were able to get the power assist added after the fact. It makes a night and day difference in steering. Before my wife would never drive the boat, now every once in a while she'll take the wheel and I can relax on the rear lounger. I've found I can "out run" the pump when docking though and there is a little noise and stereo interference. Overall worth it.

Not sure why the dealer is giving you a hard time for potentially giving them work.
This is getting more interesting. Dealer called me back and they are telling me to add the power assist that in addition to the pump the entire helm steering needs to be replaced because the ratio( that's what their calling it) is 1.7 and the power assist helm steering is 2.4 and the price would be upwards of $3,600.  I knew this would be pricey, but based on what others have wrote on this forum, I've never seen that the entire helm steering needs to be replaced. It is completely contrary to everything I've read.
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I'm confused now, do you currently have seastar?  
I have seastar hydraulic but not not sea star power assist. I am one level down on steering pyramid from you, but it is seastar.
Then you should be able to add the pump easily.  Others should be able to chime in here that have done it.  That's how I understood it as well that if you have seastar it shouldn't be that big of a job.
It's not that hard to do. I installed the power assist myself.

But most people aren't retired Porsche/Mercedes certified professional mechanics! Ha!
Yep. That's me..... I would not go near mechanical issue like this ever. I guarantee it would leak every where.
How about this, buy the pump, fly Carl up and have him do it for a couple hundred bucks! You'll still be cheaper than the dealer doing it! 
LoL..... Best idea I've heard all day.
Not to sure I'd want a boat without full power steering, every time I run one without it I whine like a girl!
Not to sure I'd want a boat without full power steering, every time I run one without it I whine like a girl!

Think I see the reason :p .  Actually depends how you boat, I don't tow or pull skiers, am generally a slow cruiser that goes straight, no added steering and don't miss/need it
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Power assist is one of those things that go on the"ONCE YOU'VE HAD IT, YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT" list. I don't think twice about pulling into tight situations at the marinas and waterfront bars. Most of the time my wife will hold her breath and say after we're tied off: I wouldn't have tried that! All kidding aside, it really makes operating our 2550R a real joy.
The dealer doesn't want to do it because he's never done it before. You mention this in the original post.

So, if he doesn't have any more confidence to do this than you do yourself, do you really want him to do this?  I'd run away from him fast and go somewhere else. 
My buddy was over yesterday to do some fishing and he couldn't believe how easy it was to steer. He has a fiberglass boat and can't believe how quiet the Yamaha is and how it jumps on plane without 45 degrees of bow lift.
My dealer is going to install. The price has become much more reasonable because they don't have to replace the steering helm. The factory has gotten involved so I am not concerned.  It should be installed in the next two weeks.  Also I took Andy's advice and they will be using Carl as a technical advisor on the install :) .  Just kidding.  I have been very happy with how this issue has been handled since I first brought it up.
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