Prop suggestion for a 2023 R27 RSBT2


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I own a 2023 R27 RSBT2 with twin Yamaha 300 DTS outboards. Boat came equipped with Yamaha Saltwater Series II HP 15 1/4 x 18 props. With a full tank of gas and 2 large adults, the boat will do 58mph at 6000-6100 MPH. Boat will slam you in your seat which I love. But curious what others a running and what speeds you are getting. I'm curious if going with the same props, but either going to a 15 1/4 x 19 or 15 x 20 would give me better top speed. Which one of the two would be best for my toon.
Congratulations on such a wonderful boat. Not as much long time member experience with that particular setup. There are a few people with dual motor big and heavy pontoons. Maybe they can give you further insights with their set ups.

All of that said, based on your numbers, it sounds pretty dialed in. RPMs at WOT and performance for such a large and heavy boat is very nice. Have you considered reaching out to Ken at Propgods to ask this same question? Being where you are at with RPM’s and MPH at WOT, if I had to guess, I’d guess you’d lose a little performance if you switched it up. That said, I don’t know the typical response characteristics of dual motor pontoon boats when dialing in props/performance like I would on a single motor boat. Maybe others do!?!
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Personally, I’d be tempted to invest in a couple of Sharrow props.
Ya, I would love to try them out. Big coin if they don't work and can't return them
Yup, big bucks but with your setup I think you’d enjoy a much higher return on your investment than those of us with single, less powerful engines. Searching the web, not many negative reviews other than price:

Reviews of the Sharrow propeller generally praise its superior performance across various aspects including increased fuel efficiency, better handling in turns, significantly reduced vibration, smoother operation at low speeds, and improved reverse thrust, although its high cost is often noted as a drawback; essentially, most users report a noticeable improvement in overall boat performance when switching to a Sharrow propeller compared to standard props.
I own a 2023 R27 RSBT2 with twin Yamaha 300 DTS outboards. Boat came equipped with Yamaha Saltwater Series II HP 15 1/4 x 18 props. With a full tank of gas and 2 large adults, the boat will do 58mph at 6000-6100 MPH. Boat will slam you in your seat which I love. But curious what others a running and what speeds you are getting. I'm curious if going with the same props, but either going to a 15 1/4 x 19 or 15 x 20 would give me better top speed. Which one of the two would be best for my toon.
Beautiful boat and wonderful motors. Your WOT is 5000-6000 with max HP at 5500rpm. You might gain another 1-2mph by going to a 19" pitch as you'll drop another 200-300 rpm but at 58mph on a 27 foot pontoon is absolutely fantastic. I think a 20" pitch would be too much.
your best bet is to talk to the guys at Prop God or even the folks at PowerTech props. They both know their stuff. Maybe even going to Mercury Enertia props might see some better numbers. The key is to find a vendor or company that will let you test and trial props of different pitches and diameters and blade characteristics. I know PowerTech did that years ago when I was doing prop testing on my Center console. THey let me try a few of their props as demo's.
My experience with the Yamaha SWS props is generally they are quite good for heavier boats, so while you can probably do a little better performance wise it might not be worth $1400. You're likely not hitting the rev limiter unless super light load, and then a 19p might squeeze out that last 2mph.

An Enertia prop is great for single engine applications, but with 1,200 pounds of engine on the back I imagine you are pretty stern heavy and need a little stern lift from your props. Enertia directs much of it's thrust aft instead of radially which initially would seem great, but I wonder if getting more of your stern lifted would help reduce a lot of drag. You sometimes have to experiment with props and see what happens.

And no, I would not buy a Sharrow... for many reasons but mainly because top speed seems to be your goal and Sharrows tend to lose top end vs. other props.