Replacing The ODB senc


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Lake Tulloch Ca
Ok well I guess I’m not going to be able to clear or fix my misfire issues.
The boat is back to rough idle and I’m getting a Error Message on the dash.

I have the 5.7 V8 HO Mag in my boat. Anyone have a quicksilver part number or Mercury part number for the 4 ODB senc units I need?

Thanks in advance
We have been having a miss fire issue with our 2008 merc 350 for years and it almost got us stuck on the water. Have discovered that the cool fuel cell that houses high and low pressure pumps was painted on the interior of the cell. That paint will flake off and started clogging the filters and pressure regulator. If you google the problem there are several threads about the paint causing problems. Ours is in the shop getting new high pressure pump and regulator and screens and rest of paint removed from cell interior.
So do you think the misfire is from the Cool Fuel cell OR “ODB senc” like it says on the dash?

Could the boats computer be telling me the Misfire is ODB when it’s really a Fuel problem. Because that would make sense. I added some Lucas fuel injector cleaner to a full tank of gas and for a week my Mis Fire was gone. Hummm interesting
So do you think the misfire is from the Cool Fuel cell OR “ODB senc” like it says on the dash?

Could the boats computer be telling me the Misfire is ODB when it’s really a Fuel problem. Because that would make sense. I added some Lucas fuel injector cleaner to a full tank of gas and for a week my Mis Fire was gone. Hummm interesting

The lack of fuel will cause lean exhaust % and the sensor might be picking that up. Our problem is a fuel problem. Misfiring at 3-4,000 rpm till the whole system clogged.
I had the local mobile boat repair guy come out to the boat he hooked up his computer to the boat and found that it was miss firing on three or more cylinders he cleared the Error codes and the boat immediately started idling smooth like there was never a problem. I’ll explain while he had the computer hooked up the boat was idling rough and missing as soon as he hit the enter key on his computer to clear the error codes the boat started running completely normal.

I gave him $110 for his service call and five minutes of his time. Like you I was very skeptical that this would actually fix the problem and indeed the rough idle and error codes returned later that day
My last fill up I used 91 Shell gas. (Gawd imma sucker for cheep fix’s) shell claims the new 91 cleans injectors. And I added the Lucas Injector cleaner. Well happy to report no New Errors and idles fine???
Mercury is standing behind their cool fuel cell paint problem. They are sending 8 injectors and a cool fuel cell to the certified merc dealer. I have to pay labor but that will save me about 60% of the repair bill. I have been fighting the problem for 4 seasons and am looking forward to next year to see what the boat can really do.