TB I have a question


Well-Known Member
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I was pricing out a 2275gcw about a week or so ago and came up with your msrp. I purchased the boat and I'm very happy with my dealer. Then I thought for my records I would build it again and print the results from your web site.

When I build it now it comes out *about* $7,000. to $8,000. more on your msrp. I would like to think that price was correct but I believe you need to have your web guru check it.

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I did the same build as I did last month and it is 8k$ higher, it seems the base 50hp engine is not included in the PRE-rig anymore, sounds like a mistake or a big price increase due to demand.
Hmmm....something doesn't sound right...

We need to move this conversation off the GIVE BACK forum...I'll put the results in the PONTOON forum. THX, TB
Yea, thought this may be the wrong forum after I hit post. Just delete the thread but do let us know if you find a error in pricing.
