TB-Kicker speakers with stock ultimate covers????


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
Hi all. Our boat has not been built yet and my wife and I were thinking of upgrading to the kicker speakers however, do not like the bold look of the silver covers. TB is it possible to order the kicker speakers, but have them covered with the ultimate covers??

Hi Lakelivin',

The Kicker speaker does not have a removable cover. A tweeter is built-in to the speaker grill and the face is part of the housing. You would have to switch to different speakers to achieve a different look. The Kicker speaker is a sound upgrade over the Ultimate.

Good luck with your choice! TB
Thanks for the info TB!!! We'll probably stick with the ultimate for now unless other here can persuade me...
Speakers make an appreciable difference in sound quality overall, however you really need to complement any speaker upgrade with an amplifier to truly get the most out of them. I waited to upgrade my speakers until I knew exactly what I was doing as far as 4-channel amp and subwoofer and amp setup. Huge difference.
I figured I would run with the ultimate for a little while and upgrade down the road. I'll have to check out your setup when that time gets closer