The 100 Degree Rule


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Most already know...we ski. This isn't about Bennington, but it is about boats. So...close enough. Living in Wisconsin, the ski season is short for most. But with a water temp of 44 and an air temp of 53 - we skied today. Video here.

The 100 degree rule is a simple rule. If the water temp + the air temp is greater than 100, we ski (not me obviously...I'm old...but my sons ski). 44+53 is close enough. Just thought I'd share. Pretty happy to have been out on the water both days this weekend. Saturday on the Pontoon, and Sunday on the Malibu.
That's brave. By your math, we have a 150 degree rule around here to even get our feet wet.
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You would be skiing everyday out here.

Cheers, Steve
We had a 2 outlet under dash heater on both of our 'Bu's for just that reason  :)

I don't go boating under the 120 Degree Rule (lol) 

That s why my season starts May 1st 

Very nice! My wife still skis/slaloms but we don't usually go out until we can swim.......

Do you guys ski behind your pontoon boat or just the Malibu?!?
We had the 150 last Tuesday and I still wouldn't get wet. 65 in the water and 85 in the air. Guess I've just gotten to old or maybe its less stupid. Either way the water temp has to get to 80 before I go in. Years ago I skied in Buzzards Bay with water temp. at 72  But I was young and more stupid then. :)   <_<   :eek:  !
Do you guys ski behind your pontoon boat or just the Malibu?!?
We could ski behind the Benny with a 200 on the transom, but with a purpose-built tow boat ready to go...we don't
Guess I've just gotten to old or maybe its less stupid. ...Years ago I skied in Buzzards Bay with water temp. at 72  But I was young and more stupid then. :)   <_<   :eek:  !
I will ski over 70 water temp. And the young man behind the boat is 19 and properly suited up. I don't think its stupid. I am envious. I too am too old. But I stay in the boat because falls at speed on 44 degree water do a lot more damage than falls on 70 degree water. Even my son is very conservative out there no hard cuts...just a gentle work out to shake the cob webs off. But I am envious. I wish I could still be durable enough to enjoy the day in the water as well as in the boat.
We could ski behind the Benny with a 200 on the transom, but with a purpose-built tow boat ready to go...we don't
I understand. Wasn't sure if the Malibu was yours or not......
There are a lot of things I do using the 100 degree trigger, skiing is not one of them.
Envy is the word. In my late teens and early 20's I was on the water as much as possible. Skiing  was something we did. The temp of the water in Buzzards Bay never got any higher than 68. As youths we adapted  That was in the late 50's  Now if the water isn't at least 80 I stay out  I still feel that I could ski using two skis not one and stay up for a minute  