The Aqua Office


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In my line of work, level-headed judgement is a non-negotiable standard. It's. September 26th. 74 degrees and sunny with calm wind in Wisconsin. NOT being on the water would be a sign of very questionable judgement. Don't you think?

So here I am, working away (well at this moment, I'm posting on Club.Bennington. But in general, doing all manner of P-I-T-A computer work that I otherwise loathe. Yet another sign of my infallible understanding of good judgement and bad judgement.
Nice pic (at the office).   :ph34r:
Sounds like a tax write off to me!
My secretary suggested I name my boat "A Conference Call."

That way, when someone calls in the summer, she wouldn't be lying when she said, "You'll have to leave a message, he's on a conference call!"

Smart lady!

Sweet pic of Milwaukee. That looks like the best day of work I could imagine. Do you always stay inside the breakwater or have you ventured on to the lake?
We are on Lake Michigan more than any other single lake, and we do travel outside the protected inner harbors. Have traveled by boat Milwauk3e to Racine, MKE to Port Washington. With that said, I had a 43" Cruisers for 5 years that was slipped in Racine.

My Bennington handles the lake very well. But I am comfortable out there. It's not for every one.

Do you travel Lake Michigan too?
Not yet. We were in Lake Geneva this year. However, my wife and I have talked about Lake Michigan as it is much closer for us and would be easier once the kids become more involved in sports or other activities.
With kids in the equation...just remember...cold. We were out on Fathers Day weekend this year. Water was 44 and air temp 1 mile offshore was 55. Yuck.

I agree with you 100%
On my gps I have a hundred green dots around the shoreline of my lake.....unprotected hot spots...makes working on the lake a whole lot easier