The West Needs Snow and Rain


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Metro Pittsburgh
The Bennington Family knows that I believe

A picture is worth a Thousand Words 

This is why I left California 


The Green Bridge passes over full water levels at a section of Lake Oroville near the Bidwell Marina on July 20, 2011, in Oroville, California. (Paul Hames/California Department of Water Resources/Getty Images) 


The Green Bridge passes over low water levels at a section of Lake Oroville near the Bidwell Marina on August 19, 2014, in Oroville, California. Lake Oroville is currently at 32 percent of its total 3,537,577 acre feet, a unit of measurement used to describe large water bodies. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) 

Let me ask you why is Corporate America and The US Government allowing Corporations to spur more growth in this drought infested area ?

It is not exactly a Bennington Topic 

But the insanity frustrates me 


If you are living in The West 

It may be time to get out of Dodge 

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Wow! What a difference!
That is absolutely amazing, and not in a good way!
Pretty amazing that in 3 years there can be that much of a difference.  Seems like it could recover quickly as well then?  Hell look at the Great Lakes and improvement they've made in last couple years.  Not growing up out west, I have to ask.  Are these droughts part of a normal cycle (looking at last 100 years) - or is this something not seen before?
I was born and raised in So Cal. This is not S Cal, but I am familiar with the pictures. This may be part of "only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear." The pictures represent different times and from what I am told, the lake was lowered for some repairs. The lake level is up.

Not up to its high level, but up from its low level. The media likes to sensationalize anything. Are we in a drought, yes. They are playing up a "mega drought." This is normal out here. It is not near the 87-92 drought. Then when we have El nino, they claim biblical rains. Of course, then comes "storm watch" and the floods and earthquakes and mudslides.

So yes, this is part of our normal cycle. It has been raining here off and on for the past week. As to why there is continued building etc: MONEY. Follow the dollar and you will always get your answer. As far as leaving CA, I am in the process. I have homes in two states. You don't want me to get on my CA rant, but there are many reasons why I am leaving and many of my friends have left. It is a shame how this once great state has become very problematic. There will be things I miss and I will visit. As soon as my daughter takes over my practice and can run it, I will retire completely and live fulltime in AZ.

Cheers, Steve
Just an update. I called two different sources, including the chamber of commerce and got the same answer. As of today 3-1-15 at 9am the water level is 756.66 feet. Hence, it is up almost 70 feet from late Dec.

Cheers, Steve
I left the San Francisco Bay Area for many reasons as well

One was definitely the water limitations

Not being able to shower , flush, wash the car, or water the garden were huge

The stratospheric cost of living, congestion and other reasons

San Francisco during the late 60's, 70's and 80's is not the same as San Francisco today 

On the bright side leaving California and Living in Manhattan and other cities has given me a great appreciation for Pittsburgh

I guess everyone has a place they love to call home
