Weight of Trailer


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Hello -
I have a 2001 Roadmaster Trailer for a 20 foot Bennington Pontoon.
Can anyone give the weight for this Trailer?
Apparently, I will have to take it off the trailer and then go weight the trailer and put the boat back on.
This is to get title on it. Apparently the license plate does not bring up the trailer.
Thank you!!

The bill of sale should have the weight on document.
Isn't the weight stamped on the trailer where the model and serial #'s are?!?
It definitely should be on the data tag on the tongue of the trailer and very difficult to remove. Removing is usually not a good sign for ownership as it may have be stolen at some point and tag removed to prevent identification. South Caroline you do not have to register a trailer so that is a place many stolen ones go.
I was thinking along NCLakeGuy’s comments. If the tag is not there, rather than simply being overlooked by the new owner, I’d have big concerns about a trailer that didn’t have it on there. Those things last, and for it to be gone, that was likely intentional by someone in the past.
Hopefully he has a title or registration with the serial number. I should be on the data plate with the weight.