What do you think. I need to have steering work done


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The steering on my new to me (2001) 2275 cs with a 90hp is kinda stiff. 

I have it in a wet slip with no trailer yet.  She runs great and I am upgrading a few things and adding a few. 

So here is what I need help deciding replace the cable set up I have with will loosen things up or upgrade to hydraulic 

I figure while I can use my older trailer that had for a smaller pontoon to haul it out and do the fix.  And drop it back in .

The labor will be the same I have a very good mechanic doing it on his off day. So what are the pro's and con's. 

Help a guy out... 
Since going to hydraulic means changing the wheel assembly, you may want to see if you can fix/improve your existing cable system first.

It is a common misconception that hydraulic steering decreases steering effort. It does not. It actually improves straight line movement by stabilizing the motor's movement side to side under power. It DOES NOT decrease steering effort.

Sorry to repeat myself, but many here have learned this lesson, some the expensive and frustrating way.

IMHO, properly operating cable steering should be just fine for a 2 tube boat (which I ASSume you have) running a 90.
First disconnect the cable end from the motor and see if it gets easier to turn the wheel. Check if the motor can be turned easily with the cable disconnected. Then I would  remove the cable from the tube, clean it and lubing as it's reinstalled.
We went from a cable steering on our old boat (50 hp) to hyd on the new one (150 hp).  What I can say that is different is that the cable steering was more responsive (if you want to call it that) especially when docking and pulling back into our slip.  The cable seemed as if it turned sharper (motor had more travel left to right) and would go from lock to lock in about 2 to 2 1/2 turns of the wheel.  Our new boat with the hyd takes roughly 5 turns of the wheel to go lock to lock.  In a no wake or straight line condition it can't be beat as it does take the wander out of the motor while underway.  But having said that it can be a bit of a challenge to dock do to the amount of turns on the wheel to turn.  Power assist hyd might be a whole different story.....can't say as I don't have that.

 If you have a buddy that has the hyd steering or you can try one out at your dealers first I would suggest that.  The steering isn't easier with hyd.....actually at first I liked our old boats cable system better than the hyd.  I have gotten used to the handling (docking) of the boat with it and wouldn't go back......power assist might be on my got to have list next time though.