What is this?


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noticed a black round cap on the port side of boat near where the battery sits. I was curious today as I was washing the boat and un-screwed it, thinking maybe it was a charger pass through. This is what it looks likes. IMG_4466.jpeg

I also checked the manual and didn’t see a callout. What is this for?
I had overlooked you mentioned exterior port side of boat. Fuel vent makes sense. Glad the mystery is solved. For whatever reason I looked at pic and didn’t pay attention to what you typed. I was thinking it was an interior layout discover in a seat. lol
Fancy! Many of our fuel vents are located below the deck. Is the cap for this vented? In other words, If the cap screws into the threaded fitting, how does the air pass through it?

Might be something worth considering for the rest of us as these get clogged or need servicing on occasion, and access below deck is tough or non-existent with wave shields.
I don’t recall the cap being vented, but I don’t think it screws down air tight. I can double check this weekend when I take it out.
Here is our vent....
I have the vent on mine . Mine is for the Direct Fill .

I just noticed my rails looks wavy in that top pic . LOL ,they are not.
I was wondering Jack! Got a little dizzy there!
Do you have the Direct Fill ?
So I am confused, is direct fill on the port side or under a deck door in the transom? Seems different posts define transom vs direct fill option differently.
This is the Direct Fill it was and still may be a No Cost option on some models .
The pic I posted above is the vent for the direct fill .
I have it on my current 2022 and had it 2020 .
No issues at all with fuel fills .

I guess I must have direct fill. The image above is what my gas tank nozzle looks like and same location.
I think it's much easier than side fill . Especially if you carry.