Yamaha F115 engine whine


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Michigander living In Palm City FL
So the other day while slowly cruising around I hear a sound at approx. 1400 rpm. It sounds almost like a super charger whine and only occurs between 1400-1500 rpm, as soon as I give it more throttle it goes away. I searched and it appears there is a known issue with the shaft bushing. However, the posts I saw were from 04 and so on. Is anyone else getting this noise?? Thoughts?
I thought this was going to be a totally different topic! Thought maybe you were going to whine about having the 115 instead of the 150!! Haha, just bugging ya!
Good one Derrick!

Our T50 Yamaha has a similar noise, kind of a whirrring sound? I don't let it bother me, it's got a warranty, and every piece of equipment has it's own little quirks.
Thanks guys and I do wish I had more hp. At least we maxed out what the boat can handle. I ran it today and didn't hear it so maybe I was hearing things.
115 for sale with 40 hrs on it. I am not maxed out. I cant believe my salesman talked me out of the 150! Lol Dang it!!!
Don't drive the new 200 or you'll really be bummed!