Recent content by Captain Rick

  1. C

    Yamaha F200 vs Vmax sho

    I get that for sure... No idea what year, or if your older SHO was there 4 stroke, but the current VF200, being 6 cylinder and big bore, doesn't work as hard as there F200 to get up to power. I pinky promise, it's a lower pitched roar and doesn't nearly hit F200 volume. May be different once...
  2. C

    Yamaha F200 vs Vmax sho

    Hey JSUR, Harse makes great points, but I literally went from an F200 to a VF200 just weeks ago, and the SHO is MUCH quieter. The performance is about the same on the top end, but the F200 had to absolutely scream to get there, while the SHO is hardly working. For that reason, I was able to...