Do I need to Cover front & back deck?


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I am new to the Pontoon world but loving my new 2019 22 GSR. My Bennington cover doesn't go past the rails and thus the front and rear deck areas are exposed. I am in Minnesota and the pontoon is in the water for the summer on Ultra Legs (no lift cover) but I always use the Bennington cover. Do I need to worry about the uncovered front and back deck areas (seagrass floor) from a sun, mold, rot standpoint?

Thanks for any advice.
Welcome pbakk.....The only thing I can think of is to take your cover to a local canvas shop and he can modify it to cover your front and rear deck......
I somewhat wish I had a cover over my rear deck, but it's not carpet so I don't care. It seems to be fine, years after being exposed to direct sunlight.
I have never had an issue with the aft swim platform being exposed to the sun.
Thanks for the feedback. Maybe I will just use the Bennington cover for this season and look to have it modified in the off season.
Two seasons in with our 2018 22SSXAPG and I have noticed absolutely zero problems with the exposed areas of deck, either forward or aft. I have two different types of flooring as well, Vinyl Teak Slate forward in the "couch zone," and Marideck Vinyl aft in the "fishing zone," and I have noticed no visible changes in either. We put the mooring cover on any time we are not on the boat, and we are usually only there on weekends. The boat is in our dock exposed to the elements virtually all summer, and there is no roof of any type.

I wouldn't waste your money on mods to your cover or covers for the exposed areas.
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