Engine overheat and Temperature gauge


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This past Saturday we went on an "adventure" trying to find a water way to "Ponce DeLeon's Spring". No joke, it really is a spring here in FL that is located in a corner of Spring Garden Lake, in Deleon Springs FL. There is a very popular restaurant there, and we were trying to scope out a route to there without getting into a car. We ended up taking several "dead rivers" and other shallow tributaries to the St. John river, and it was a beautiful trip of about 25 miles. I knew the lakes in this area were very shallow, with an average depth of between 3-5 feet, and many shallower spots that are referred as "Marshes" on the maps that I have for the area. Much of the trip was through National Wildlife preserves, and we were relegated to "Slow Speed", which is actually very enjoyable in these very scenic areas. I know - PICTURES, or it did not happen. I have so that I will post to my Gallery of "Boating on the St. John".

To make a long story short, once we got into Spring Garden Lake, it got so shallow that even though we were within less than a 1/2 mile from the boat dock, the focus became more one of not getting stuck, and damaging our Benni, than it was to get to the dock. The last depth reading I got was 1.7 feet, and I was stirring up mud at that point, with dirty muddy water coming out through the "pee" hole on the motor. I knew what to expect, and sure enough, even though I had trimmed up as far as possible and still have the water intakes submerged, within less than a minute, the over temp alarm went off, and I shut off the motor. I was surprised at how quiet the alarm was, having expected something shrill and urgent in nature. We always keep a deck brush and our Shurhold handle on board, and used this to clear debris from the water inlets on the foot of the motor. We waited several more minutes, and started the engine back up with no problems. The water, even though still dirty, started flowing freely from the "Pee hole" again. 

It was really tough finding any deeper water, even though the GPS and charts for the area of the lake we were in said there should be 3 feet. Yeah right, maybe 10 years ago, but now it was SHALLOW! Luckily here in FL, rocks are as rare as finding gold nuggets, so at least we had no worries about damage from that. Eventually, we did find clean water, without any further alarms, and the motor seems as if it clerared itself out. Since we had roughly another 13 miles back to our dock from this point, we are sure that everything is cleared back out.

Even though the motor ran flawlessly, I was still uneasy about how quiet the alarm had been, and also the fact that I really had no idea what the actual temperature of the coolant in the motor really was. Even though my dealer tells me that actually, the alarm, and what happens if you don't respond to it (the motor will go into a safe mode, reducing RPMs to about 1,800. and it will run rough) is actually safer than providing a temp gauge that needs constant monitoring. Ok, so I buy that premise, but it would be a lot more comforting to be able to read the actual temperature PLUS have the safety of the Alarm with Limp Mode.

What's the general feeling about this with most of you? I tried finding a thread about "Temp gauges" retrofitted on the motor, but came up blank. Have any of you done this yourselves? If so, what did you buy as far as a sensor and gauge, and how hard was it to install? Where's the best place to get the parts, etc, etc. 

Thanks in advance for your feedback!
I suspect if you get a NMEA 2000 harness to the Garmin you could read the actual temps the motor's safety alarm uses. This is how my Verado is set up and I can read temps and pressures for everything on the Garmin display. 
A quick www search showed various threads about doing this.  While you might not find your exact engine, you should get an idea of whats involved.  I would not eliminate the buzzer though, having both would be OK if you have dash space for the gauge. Perhaps Yamaha has a multi function display, I have looked at the Suzuki accessories and have seen them for my engine.

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I have done the NMEA 2000 network thing with my Yamaha F150 and it works great.  Stupid simple to do as well.  I have a Garmin 547xs and it gives me a couple of pages of engine displays (this is from a 740s, but the same info is displayed on the 547xs as well as the 541s that I used to have):


Here's a link to another site where someone walks you through the whole install.


And here's a document from Lowrance that explains all the info you need as well:

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My wife constantly watches that depth gauge. If we get into water that's 4 or 5 foot deep HER alarm goes off! She would have been on pins and needles if she was in 1.7 feet of water! Ha!!! 
I suspect if you get a NMEA 2000 harness to the Garmin you could read the actual temps the motor's safety alarm uses. This is how my Verado is set up and I can read temps and pressures for everything on the Garmin display. 

Thanks TomS, I had not heard of this and will have to check out if it works with our Garmin 54DV. 
A quick www search showed various threads about doing this.  While you might not find your exact engine, you should get an idea of whats involved.  I would not eliminate the buzzer though, having both would be OK if you have dash space for the gauge. Perhaps Yamaha has a multi function display, I have looked at the Suzuki accessories and have seen them for my engine.


That is exactly what I was thinking. I like the idea of the buzzer, but just want more info. Thanks for the info mattb.
I have done the NMEA 2000 network thing with my Yamaha F150 and it works great.  Stupid simple to do as well.  I have a Garmin 547xs and it gives me a couple of pages of engine displays (this is from a 740s, but the same info is displayed on the 547xs as well as the 541s that I used to have):

Here's a link to another site where someone walks you through the whole install.


And here's a document from Lowrance that explains all the info you need as well:


Thanks Tcpip95. Looks like some interesting research ahead of me. Curious if our Garmin 54DV is capable.
My wife constantly watches that depth gauge. If we get into water that's 4 or 5 foot deep HER alarm goes off! She would have been on pins and needles if she was in 1.7 feet of water! Ha!!! 

Believe me BigKahuna when I tell you that much before the depth gauge showed 1.7 feet, we were actively searching for a way out. The more I steered toward where the charts indicated deeper water, the worse it got. Oh well, all is well that...
Thanks Tcpip95. Looks like some interesting research ahead of me. Curious if our Garmin 54DV is capable.

Might have some bad news for you:  Looks like the 54DV does NOT support NMEA 2000; looks like it's only NMEA 0183  :(
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Might have some bad news for you:  Looks like the 54DV does NOT support NMEA 2000; looks like it's only NMEA 0183  :(

Yup, you are correct. I researched last night and thats what came up. I'd have to buy the newer "Chirp" version, and it supports NMEA 2000. Man, that does seem like a reaol nice feature, but until the one year old 54DV conks out, it will just stay as is. Ill still investigatre putting in a seperate Eng. Temp gauge. May have it done when boat goes to dealer for annual service. Thanks for what seemed like a real great solution, not just the Temp readout, but so much other usefull info that is already being generated.

I still want to research NMEA 0183 to see what info it can provide. I believe that NMEA 2000 on the Yammy is backwards compatible, just dont know yet what NMEA 0183 brings to the table.
NMEA 0183 won't pass engine data; I think it only passes comms data (GPS coordinates, transducer info, etc).  And more importantly I don't think Yamaha outputs NMEA0183 data.
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