Feedback on LX Sport build?

Yeah, it's the pro tour championship from last season. Should only be 40 anglers but of course all the media and expo probably brings in a bunch of fans.

I'm not good enough to hang with those guys! But I'll be fishing a 100+ boat tournament on Kerr next Saturday... much lower stakes and zero media! :)
What do you mean not good enough?!? You fly around the lake, throw your line in, pull out a fish! How hard can that be?!? Hahaha!
What do you mean not good enough?!? You fly around the lake, throw your line in, pull out a fish! How hard can that be?!? Hahaha!

Bass guys flying around the lake??? That's just an urban myth, most of us are barely cruising above idle and obey all rules of navigation at all times. And we ALWAYS respect waterfront property, never throwing baits onto docks, into mooring lines or against the hulls of boats... :D
BTW, during the tournament my partner 100% was throwing baits up against boats and docks. The aluminum pontoons echo like a steel drum and I was expecting angry owners to come barreling down at any moment berating us.

I made a comment about being a little more careful and he said "if you don't want your stuff beat up, don't own waterfront property!"

Yep, we're a considerate bunch...
Appreciate you trying to rein him in. As for him disgusting!
Looks great!!!
That's a gorgeous boat.
She’s a beauty! Thanks for sharing a picture and enjoy…