Memorial Day Weekend

Please remember what the day is about. Have a fun and safe weekend on the water! I know we will.
May God Bless America and all Service Men and Women  . All gave some and some gave All !  Thanks to the families of those who serve also .  

Thanks for my Freedom!!
Yes, all I ever ask of people is to take some time that day, bow your head, and remember those that have given the ultimate sacrifice. 

I've never been one to feel real comfortable being thanked for my service, It's just how I am, but those that have died for my Freedom (and those still fighting for it), I have the utmost respect.
I've never been one to feel real comfortable being thanked for my service, It's just how I am, but those that have died for my Freedom (and those still fighting for it), I have the utmost respect.

I know what you mean. I never know how to respond.
I've never been one to feel real comfortable being thanked for my service, It's just how I am, but those that have died for my Freedom (and those still fighting for it), I have the utmost respect.

I know what you mean. I never know how to respond.
If the rare occasion does present itself that someone does thank me for my service, I respond with a "you're welcome".
ALL service men and women deserve a lifetime of gratitude! You promised yourselves to uncertainty and put your lives on the line in defense of all the rest of us/our country so you wholeheartedly deserve HUGE and continuous thanks for whatever amount of time you served in whatever capacity! Too bad it's a "rare occasion" to be thanked, and you don't have to say anything in response, but please accept the appreciation because it's real! And, most importantly, you ALL deserve and should receive the "utmost respect"! 

:wub: Thank you to all our fallen heroes, our veterans and those serving today and tomorrow!
You're welcome. Whenever I see someone with a veteran hat, shirt, jacket or whatever, I always say "welcome home"  to the older ones because many did not return. I am one of the lucky ones.The younger oner in uniform I always thank for their service.
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